Romeward Bound - Level 2

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Romeward Bound - Level 2 is the second level of the Roamin' Romans and Romeward Bound events in Penny's Pursuit. It takes place in Pirate Seas, and is very similar to Pirate Seas - Day 31. It has new objectives and zombie swaps, similar to other Penny's Pursuit levels. In addition to the zombie swaps, there are also some newly added zombies.


With limited space, the player should use the most of their sun to fortify the lawn. Due to how fast paced this level is, slowing plants should be used. Blover is also banned from this level, making it more difficult.

Difficulty Swaps

In Penny's Pursuit, the zombies in a level can swap depending on the difficulty chosen.


Swashbuckler Zombie2.png -> Seagull Zombie2.png or can remain the same
Seagull Zombie2.png -> Balloon Zombie2.png or can remain the same
Imp Cannon2.png -> Swashbuckler Zombie2.png or Seagull Zombie2.png


Seagull Zombie2.png -> Pelican Zombie2.png, Bug Buckethead Zombie2.png, Balloon Zombie2.png, or can remain the same
Imp Cannon2.png -> Bug Buckethead Zombie2.png or can remain the same

Extra Hot

Swashbuckler Zombie2.png -> Imp Cannon2.png or can remain the same
Seagull Zombie2.png -> Pelican Zombie2.png, Imp Cannon2.png or Bug Buckethead Zombie2.png

Bonus Objectives

In Penny's Pursuit, levels have bonus objectives that can be completed to level up Penny Perks.

Mild Bonus Objective

  • Defeat 75 zombies in 30 seconds

Spicy Bonus Objective

  • Defeat 150 zombies in 30 seconds

Extra Hot Bonus Objectives

  • Survive and protect the endangered plants
  • Defeat 150 zombies in 30 seconds


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Imp Cannon2.png None
2 Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png None
3 Imp Cannon2.png Imp Cannon2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Raiding Party!
4 Imp Cannon2.png Imp Cannon2.png Imp Cannon2.png None
5 Imp Cannon2.png Imp Cannon2.png Imp Cannon2.png None
6 Imp Cannon2.png1 Imp Cannon2.png2 Imp Cannon2.png3 Imp Cannon2.png4 Imp Cannon2.png5 Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Raiding Party!
7 Swashbuckler Zombie2.png1 Swashbuckler Zombie2.png3 Swashbuckler Zombie2.png5 Imp Cannon2.png1 Imp Cannon2.png2 Imp Cannon2.png3 Imp Cannon2.png4 Imp Cannon2.png5 None
8 Seagull Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Imp Cannon2.png1 Imp Cannon2.png2 Imp Cannon2.png3 Imp Cannon2.png4 Imp Cannon2.png5 None
9 Swashbuckler Zombie2.png1 Swashbuckler Zombie2.png2 Swashbuckler Zombie2.png3 Swashbuckler Zombie2.png4 Swashbuckler Zombie2.png5 Imp Cannon2.png1 Imp Cannon2.png2 Imp Cannon2.png3 Imp Cannon2.png4 Imp Cannon2.png5 None
10 Seagull Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Seagull Zombie2.png Imp Cannon2.png1 Imp Cannon2.png2 Imp Cannon2.png3 Imp Cannon2.png4 Imp Cannon2.png5 Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Raiding Party!

Note: waves are randomized; Bug Buckethead Zombie2.png, Balloon Zombie2.png, extra Swashbuckler Zombie2.png and Imp Cannon2.png appear at random


  • Welcome to the hardest level of this Penny's Pursuit series. unfortunately, I cannot think of a strategy that allows the player to complete the level and both objectives, unless if your plants are high-levelled. But this strategy should allow one to complete this level at the hardest difficulty so long as you have >=level 3 plants, albeit with some difficulty and "luck" required.
  • Select the Sun Bean Perk beforehand.
  • Plants needed:
    • Kernel-pult2.png
    • Aloe2.png
    • Chard Guard2.png
    • Explode-O-Nut2.png (Or a level 3 and above Squash2.png if you don't have it.)
    • Hurrikale2.png (At least level 3 will make your life much easier)
  • Phase 1: (before the Imp Cannons explode; don't bother trying to defeat them unless if you have a really high levelled Laser Bean.)
    • Start by planting 5 Kernel-pults at C3, and 5 Aloes at C4. Use Wall-nut first aid to replenish Chard Guard's HP for rows with the most number of zombies, then dig up the Aloe and use Hurrikale to blow'em away.
    • Watch your sun bank. If you have below 225 sun, don't replant any Aloes at C4.
  • Phase 2: (When the Imp Cannons explode)
    • Time to quickly dig up your Kernel-pults (and certain Aloes, but only for the rows with a huge Imp Pirate Zombie infestation) for sun refund. Start spamming Chard Guards and/or Explode-o-nuts/Squashs at C3, but preserve 75/100 sun for a Hurrikale once you see the words "Sun Bean Perk!".
    • Some of your endangered Chard Guards will be eaten, but don't feel heartbroken about that. Instead, focus on your Hurrikale and the critical C3 in case if any imps were to reach your house.
    • Let the Imps trigger the Explode-o-nut's explosion, to kill surrounding foes in a 3x3 area. The levelled-up zombies should eat the Explode-o-nut quickly.
  • With quick wit and a fast hand (and sadly level 3 and above plants), the player should be able to complete this level with this strategy. Don't forget the existence of Zen Garden and power-ups, and consider (WITH A COOL HEAD) how much you are willing to go just to gain 10 Explode-o-nut seed packets for completing this level.


For the walkthrough of this level in Mild Difficulty, click here

<poll> How would you rate Romeward Bound - Level 2's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>