Ciao Time - Level 1

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Flag Zombie 3.png
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Ciao Time - Level 1 is the first level of the Ciao Time event in Penny's Pursuit. It has bonus objectives and zombie swaps, just like any other Penny's Pursuit level.


With this level, not only will the zombie levels change, but so does the endangered plants. With that in mind, the player should try to make use of the different plants, as they can change the main difficulty of the level.

Difficulty Swaps

In Penny's Pursuit, the zombies in a level can swap depending on the difficulty chosen.


Pirate Captain Zombie2.png -> Roman Zombie2.png or can remain the same
Wizard Zombie2.png -> Roman Zombie2.png or can remain the same
Roman Conehead2.png -> Roman Zombie2.png
Gladiator Gargantuar2.png -> Wizard Zombie2.png


Roman Zombie2.png -> Roman Conehead2.png
Gladiator Gargantuar2.png -> Wizard Zombie2.png or can remain the same

Extra Hot

Roman Zombie2.png -> Pirate Captain Zombie2.png or Roman Conehead2.png

Bonus Objectives

In Penny's Pursuit, levels have bonus objectives that can be completed to level up Penny Perks.

Mild Bonus Objective

  • Survive and protect the endangered plants

Spicy Bonus Objectives

  • Survive and protect the endangered plants
  • Don't let the zombies trample the flowers

Extra Hot Bonus Objectives

  • Survive and protect the endangered plants
  • Don't let the zombies trample the flowers


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Roman Conehead2.png Roman Conehead2.png None
2 Jetpack Zombie2.png Jetpack Zombie2.png None
3 Pirate Captain Zombie2.png1 Pirate Captain Zombie2.png3 Pirate Captain Zombie2.png5 Roman Flag Zombie2.png None First flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Roman Imp2.png Roman Imp2.png Roman Imp2.png Roman Imp2.png None
5 Wizard Zombie2.png Wizard Zombie2.png Wizard Zombie2.png None
6 Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Swashbuckler Zombie2.png Roman Flag Zombie2.png None First flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
7 Centurion Zombie2.png Centurion Zombie2.png Centurion Zombie2.png None
8 Roman Buckethead2.png Roman Buckethead2.png Roman Buckethead2.png Roman Buckethead2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food.
9 Roman Flag Zombie2.png Gladiator Gargantuar2.png2 Gladiator Gargantuar2.png None Final wave.

Note: Roman Zombie2.png appear at random.


On lower difficulties the Jalapeno popper perk will help take out Wizard Zombies faster. On higher ones however, they have way too much health, so the anti-gravity perk will perform better. For all difficuties the quick delivery perk will be a good choice. As for the plants themselves, save Ghost Pepper for Pirate Captains, Wizards and possible Gladiator Gargantuar spawns. Use Shrinking Violet for Gargantuars, as they won't be able to throw their Imps and nets. Plant Laser Beans and Lightning Reeds in the back for them to be able to do maximum damage to other zombies. Also, try to protect the endangered plants as much as possible, as they will be helpful against the Centurion Zombies near the end of the level.

== <poll> How would you rate Ciao Time - Level 1's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll> ==