Promoting Zynergy - Level 2
Promoting Zynergy - Level 2 is the second level of the Promoting Zynergy event in Penny's Pursuit. This level has Bonus Objectives that the player can optionally complete, but no difficulty swaps.
Bonus Objectives
In Penny's Pursuit, levels have bonus objectives that can be completed to level up Penny Perks.
Mild Bonus Objective
- Survive and protect the endangered plants
Spicy Bonus Objective
- Survive and protect the endangered plants
- Electrify Zombies 10 times
Extra Hot Bonus Objectives
- Survive and protect the endangered plants
- Electrify Zombies 10 times
The Player use Ghost Pepper to easily take out the weak zombies such as: Basic Zombies, Conehead Zombies, Buckethead Zombies to easily get rid of them. Use Plant Food on bowling bulb, to wipe out hordes of zombies and easily reduces health of Gargantuars and Poncho Zombie, you can also use Plant Food on Electric Blueberry to easily kill any zombie since zombies health does not matter to the plant, they will just be killed.
<poll> How would you rate Promoting Zynergy - Level 2's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>