Divide by Nero - Level 3

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Divide by Nero - Level 3 is the third level of the Divide by Nero event in Penny's Pursuit. It takes place in Neon Mixtape Tour and is similar to Neon Mixtape Tour - Day 13. It has new objectives and zombie swaps, similar to other Penny's Pursuit levels. In addition to the zombie swaps, there are also some newly added zombies.


Similar to its original counterpart, this level can be quite hard due to the high density of zombies. In higher difficulties, this is worsened by replacing some zombies into high health zombies such as Centurion Zombies. The player should make use of the endangered Holly Barriers if one were to play outside of the Mild difficulty.

Difficulty Swaps

In Penny's Pursuit, the zombies in a level can swap depending on the difficulty chosen.


Neon Conehead2.png -> Roman Zombie2.png or can remain the same
Neon Buckethead2.png -> Roman Conehead2.png or Roman Shield Zombie2.png (triad)
Glitter Zombie2.png -> MC Zom-B2.png or can remain the same


Neon Conehead2.png -> Roman Zombie2.png, Roman Buckethead2.png, Roman Shield Zombie2.png (triad), or can remain the same
Neon Buckethead2.png -> Roman Conehead2.png or Roman Shield Zombie2.png (triad)

Extra Hot

Neon Conehead2.png -> Neon Buckethead2.png, Roman Shield Zombie2.png (triad), or can remain the same
Neon Buckethead2.png -> Centurion Zombie2.png, Roman Shield Zombie2.png (triad), or can remain the same

Bonus Objectives

In Penny's Pursuit, levels have bonus objectives that can be completed to level up Penny Perks.

Mild Bonus Objective

  • Survive and protect the endangered plants

Spicy Bonus Objectives

  • Survive and protect the endangered plants
  • Never have more than 10 plants

Extra Hot Bonus Objectives

  • Survive and protect the endangered plants
  • Never have more than 10 plants


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Neon Conehead2.png1 Neon Conehead2.png2 Neon Conehead2.png3 Neon Conehead2.png4 Neon Conehead2.png5 Neon Buckethead2.png1 Neon Buckethead2.png2 Neon Buckethead2.png3 Neon Buckethead2.png4 Neon Buckethead2.png5 Glitter Zombie2.png1 Glitter Zombie2.png1 Glitter Zombie2.png2 Glitter Zombie2.png2 Glitter Zombie2.png3 Glitter Zombie2.png3 Glitter Zombie2.png4 Glitter Zombie2.png4 Glitter Zombie2.png5 Glitter Zombie2.png5 None Pop plays.
2 Neon Buckethead2.png1 Neon Buckethead2.png1 Neon Buckethead2.png2 Neon Buckethead2.png2 Neon Buckethead2.png3 Neon Buckethead2.png3 Neon Buckethead2.png4 Neon Buckethead2.png4 Neon Buckethead2.png5 Neon Buckethead2.png5 Glitter Zombie2.png1 Glitter Zombie2.png2 Glitter Zombie2.png3 Glitter Zombie2.png4 Glitter Zombie2.png5 None
3 Neon Buckethead2.png1 Neon Buckethead2.png2 Neon Buckethead2.png3 Neon Buckethead2.png4 Neon Buckethead2.png5 Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png2 Punk Zombie2.png3 Punk Zombie2.png4 Punk Zombie2.png5 Glitter Zombie2.png1 Glitter Zombie2.png2 Glitter Zombie2.png3 Glitter Zombie2.png4 Glitter Zombie2.png5 None
4 Neon Buckethead2.png1 Neon Buckethead2.png1 Neon Buckethead2.png2 Neon Buckethead2.png3 Neon Buckethead2.png4 Neon Buckethead2.png5 Neon Buckethead2.png5 Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png2 Punk Zombie2.png3 Punk Zombie2.png4 Punk Zombie2.png5 Punk Zombie2.png5 None Punk plays.
5 Neon Buckethead2.png1 Neon Buckethead2.png1 Neon Buckethead2.png5 Neon Buckethead2.png5 Neon Flag Zombie2.png Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png5 Punk Zombie2.png5 Punk Zombie2.png5 Glitter Zombie2.png1 Glitter Zombie2.png5 None First flag.
Carries 1x Plant Food.
6 Neon Buckethead2.png1 Neon Buckethead2.png1 Neon Buckethead2.png2 Neon Buckethead2.png2 Neon Buckethead2.png3 Neon Buckethead2.png3 Neon Buckethead2.png4 Neon Buckethead2.png4 Neon Buckethead2.png5 Neon Buckethead2.png5 Glitter Zombie2.png1 Glitter Zombie2.png2 Glitter Zombie2.png3 Glitter Zombie2.png4 Glitter Zombie2.png5 None Pop plays.
7 Neon Buckethead2.png1 Neon Buckethead2.png2 Neon Buckethead2.png3 Neon Buckethead2.png4 Neon Buckethead2.png5 Glitter Zombie2.png1 Glitter Zombie2.png2 Glitter Zombie2.png3 Glitter Zombie2.png4 Glitter Zombie2.png5 MC Zom-B2.png1 MC Zom-B2.png2 MC Zom-B2.png3 MC Zom-B2.png4 MC Zom-B2.png5 None Rap plays.
8 Neon Buckethead2.png1 Neon Buckethead2.png3 Neon Buckethead2.png5 Glitter Zombie2.png1 Glitter Zombie2.png3 Glitter Zombie2.png5 MC Zom-B2.png1 MC Zom-B2.png1 MC Zom-B2.png1 MC Zom-B2.png1 MC Zom-B2.png3 MC Zom-B2.png3 MC Zom-B2.png3 MC Zom-B2.png3 MC Zom-B2.png5 MC Zom-B2.png5 MC Zom-B2.png5 MC Zom-B2.png5 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
9 Neon Buckethead2.png1 Neon Buckethead2.png2 Neon Buckethead2.png3 Neon Buckethead2.png4 Neon Buckethead2.png5 Glitter Zombie2.png1 Glitter Zombie2.png2 Glitter Zombie2.png3 Glitter Zombie2.png4 Glitter Zombie2.png5 MC Zom-B2.png1 MC Zom-B2.png2 MC Zom-B2.png3 MC Zom-B2.png5 None Pop plays.
10 Neon Buckethead2.png1 Neon Buckethead2.png1 Neon Buckethead2.png2 Neon Buckethead2.png2 Neon Buckethead2.png3 Neon Buckethead2.png3 Neon Buckethead2.png4 Neon Buckethead2.png4 Neon Buckethead2.png5 Neon Buckethead2.png5 Neon Flag Zombie2.png MC Zom-B2.png1 MC Zom-B2.png1 MC Zom-B2.png1 MC Zom-B2.png3 MC Zom-B2.png3 MC Zom-B2.png3 MC Zom-B2.png5 MC Zom-B2.png5 MC Zom-B2.png5 None Final wave.
Rap plays.

Note: Healer Zombie2.png and Zcorpion Zombie2.png appear at random.


Strategy 1:

  • Use Zom-b-gone Perk. This strategy allows the player to not only complete the level but also both objectives simultaneously.
  • Plants needed:
    • Primal Potato Mine2.png (at least level 2)
    • Explode-O-Nut2.png or Hurrikale2.png
    • Blover2.png
    • Thyme Warp2.png
    • Any other instants to fill up the slot, eg Hurrikale2.png or Cherry Bomb2.png
  • Start by planting 5 Primal Potato Mines at R7C1,3,5 and R6C2,4.
  • What you will do for this level is to defeat the zombies that have just been spawned. This "tricks" the level to proceed with the next wave of zombies immediately, which is what you want as you have a ton of instants with you.
  • Defeat the Glitter Zombie with mines and other instants first. This exposes the other zombies. Now launch a berry from Holly Barrier, then quickly plant Blover. This will insta-kill all zombies in a 3x3 area. Finally, dig the spiked berry away as it counts as a plant too! (I learnt this the hard way.)
  • Use Hurrikale or Thyme Warp + primal mine combo when the zombies are too close to your endangered plants for comfort.
  • Primal Potato Mine can one-shot Imp Cannons, so use this to your advantage.
  • Plant food holly barrier (then plant blover) or recharge thyme warp. (if you have a primal potato mine with you beforehand)

<poll> How would you rate Divide by Nero - Level 3's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>