Plants vs. Romans - Level 5

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Plants vs. Romans - Level 5 is the fifth level of the Plants vs. Romans event in Penny's Pursuit. It takes place in Modern Day, and is very similar to Modern Day - Day 27. It has new objectives and zombie swaps, similar to other Penny's Pursuit levels. In addition to the zombie swaps, there are also some newly added zombies.


What makes this level unique from other Penny's Pursuit levels is that this one is a Beghouled level. The player must make 100 matches to win. What makes this level difficult is the inclusion of Healer Zombies and Zcorpion Zombies. With Healer Zombie constantly healing and Zcorpion Zombie throwing vases, the chances of losing is high.

Difficulty Swaps

In Penny's Pursuit, the zombies in a level can swap depending on the difficulty chosen.

Extra Hot

Roman Zombie2.png -> Roman Buckethead2.png

Bonus Objectives

In Penny's Pursuit, levels have bonus objectives that can be completed to level up Penny Perks.

  • Don't let the zombies trample the flowers


  • Stage 0 (0-24 matches): Roman Zombie2.png Roman Conehead2.png Roman Buckethead2.png Roman Shield Zombie2.png (triad) Roman Imp2.png
  • Stage 1 (25-49 matches): Roman Zombie2.png Roman Conehead2.png Roman Buckethead2.png Centurion Zombie2.png Roman Shield Zombie2.png (triad)
  • Stage 2 (50-74 matches): Roman Zombie2.png Roman Conehead2.png Roman Buckethead2.png Centurion Zombie2.png Healer Zombie2.png Roman Shield Zombie2.png (triad)
  • Stage 3 (75-99 matches): Roman Zombie2.png Roman Conehead2.png Roman Buckethead2.png Centurion Zombie2.png Roman Shield Zombie2.png (triad) Zcorpion Zombie2.png

Plant upgrades

Base Plant Upgrade 1 Cost Upgrade 2 Cost
Peashooter2.png Primal Peashooter2.png 3000 sun
Repeater2.png 2000 sun Threepeater2.png 4000 sun
Wall-nut2.png Tall-nut2.png 1000 sun
Endurian2.png 1000 sun Torchwood2.png 2000 sun
Snapdragon2.png Cold Snapdragon2.png 2000 sun
Lightning Reed2.png Laser Bean2.png 2000 sun Electric Peashooter2.png 2500 sun

<poll> How would you rate Plants vs. Romans - Level 5's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>