Helpdesk Heroics - Level 1

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Flag Zombie 3.png
This subject currently has no proper strategy associated with it. If you have figured out a good strategy, please add it or the zombies will eat your brains!

Helpdesk Heroics - Level 1 is the first level of the Helpdesk Heroics event in Penny's Pursuit. Just like in any other Penny's Pursuit levels, this level has bonus objectives the player can optionally fulfill. However, because of some errors in the coding, there aren't any difficulty swaps.


This level can be quite hard, due to Wizard Zombies turning plants into sheep, Jester Zombies deflecting Puff-shroom’s shots and ZCorp HelpDesks ambushing. A powerful combo for this level is Iceberg Lettuce with Plant Food, which is given in big amounts. This will prevent the abbilities of the special zombies and will reduce the threat of ZCorp HelpDesks coming close very quickly.

Bonus Objectives

In Penny's Pursuit, levels have bonus objectives that can be completed to level up Penny Perks.

Mild Bonus Objective

  • Don't let the zombies trample the flowers

Spicy Bonus Objectives

  • Don't let the zombies trample the flowers
  • Freeze Zombies 40 times

Extra Hot Bonus Objectives

  • Don't let the zombies trample the flowers
  • Freeze Zombies 60 times


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Peasant Zombie2.png Imp Dragon2.png Imp Dragon2.png Imp Dragon2.png None
2 Zombie Bull2.png None Iceberg Lettuce2.png is available.
3 Jester Zombie2.png1 Jester Zombie2.png2 Jester Zombie2.png3 Jester Zombie2.png4 Jester Zombie2.png5 Jester Zombie2.png None Carries 2x Plant Food. Electric Peashooter2.png is available.
4 Pirate Captain Zombie2.png Pirate Captain Zombie2.png Peasant Zombie2.png Conehead Peasant2.png Conehead Peasant2.png ZCorp HelpDesk2.png ZCorp HelpDesk2.png ZCorp HelpDesk2.png ZCorp HelpDesk2.png Parachute Rain! Carries 1x Plant Food.
5 Zombie Bull2.png Jester Zombie2.png Jester Zombie2.png Roman Flag Zombie2.png None First flag. Carries 1x Plant Food.
6 Imp Cannon2.png1 Imp Cannon2.png2 Peasant Zombie2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food. Grimrose2.png is available.
7 Wizard Zombie2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food.
8 Zombie Bull2.png4 Zombie Bull2.png5 Jester Zombie2.png3 Jester Zombie2.png3 ZCorp HelpDesk2.png ZCorp HelpDesk2.png ZCorp HelpDesk2.png ZCorp HelpDesk2.png Parachute Rain!
9 Pirate Captain Zombie2.png1 Pirate Captain Zombie2.png2 Pirate Captain Zombie2.png3 Pirate Captain Zombie2.png4 Pirate Captain Zombie2.png5 Wizard Zombie2.png Wizard Zombie2.png None
10 Imp Cannon2.png1 Imp Cannon2.png2 Imp Cannon2.png3 Imp Cannon2.png4 Imp Cannon2.png5 Buckethead Peasant2.png1 Buckethead Peasant2.png2 Buckethead Peasant2.png4 Buckethead Peasant2.png5 Roman Flag Zombie2.png None Final wave.

Note: ZCorp New Hire2.png and extra ZCorp HelpDesk2.png appear at random.