Legions of the Undead - Level 7

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Flag Zombie 3.png
This subject currently has no proper strategy associated with it. If you have figured out a good strategy, please add it or the zombies will eat your brains!

Legions of the Undead - Level 7 is the seventh level of the Legions of the Undead event in Penny's Pursuit. It takes place in Neon Mixtape Tour, and is very similar to Neon Mixtape Tour - Day 25. It has new objectives and zombie swaps, similar to other Penny's Pursuit levels. In addition to the zombie swaps, there are also some newly added zombies.


This level is too fast-paced, especially in the early game, making it hard to set up a defense. Dangerous zombies such as Glitter Zombies and Zcorpion Zombies appear in this level, forcing the player to bring plants like Shadow Peashooter for high damage output.

Difficulty Swaps

In Penny's Pursuit, the zombies in a level can swap depending on the difficulty chosen.


Neon Zombie2.png -> Roman Zombie2.png or Roman Imp2.png
Neon Conehead2.png -> Conehead ZombieSp.png or Roman Zombie2.png
Neon Buckethead2.png -> Roman Conehead2.png or Roman Buckethead2.png
Gladiator Gargantuar2.png -> GargantuarSp.png


Neon Zombie2.png -> Roman Zombie2.png, Roman Conehead2.png, or Roman Imp2.png
Neon Conehead2.png -> Conehead ZombieSp.png or Roman Buckethead2.png
Neon Buckethead2.png -> Roman Buckethead2.png or Roman Shield Zombie2.png (triad)
Gladiator Gargantuar2.png -> GargantuarSp.png, Zcorpion Zombie2.png, or can remain the same

Extra Hot

Neon Zombie2.png -> Conehead ZombieSp.png, Roman Zombie2.png, or Roman Conehead2.png
Neon Conehead2.png -> Conehead ZombieSp.png or Roman Buckethead2.png
Neon Buckethead2.png -> Buckethead ZombieSp.png, Roman Buckethead2.png, Centurion Zombie2.png, Roman Shield Zombie2.png (triad), or Gladiator Gargantuar2.png
Gladiator Gargantuar2.png -> Zcorpion Zombie2.png or can remain the same

Bonus Objectives

In Penny's Pursuit, levels have bonus objectives that can be completed to level up Penny Perks.

Mild Bonus Objective

  • Shrink 35 Zombies!

Spicy Bonus Objectives

  • Shrink 45 Zombies!
  • Don't lose more than 4 plants

Extra Hot Bonus Objectives

  • Shrink 55 Zombies!
  • Don't lose more than 3 plants.


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Neon Conehead2.png None Pop plays.
2 Impunk2.png2 Impunk2.png2 Impunk2.png2 Glitter Zombie2.png2 None
3 Neon Conehead2.png4 Glitter Zombie2.png4 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Glitter Zombie2.png5 MC Zom-B2.png4 MC Zom-B2.png5 None
5 Neon Zombie2.png4 Neon Zombie2.png5 Breakdancer Zombie2.png4 Breakdancer Zombie2.png5 None
6 MC Zom-B2.png1 MC Zom-B2.png2 MC Zom-B2.png3 MC Zom-B2.png4 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
7 Neon Buckethead2.png1 Neon Buckethead2.png5 Breakdancer Zombie2.png1 Breakdancer Zombie2.png3 Breakdancer Zombie2.png5 None
8 Neon Conehead2.png2 Neon Conehead2.png3 Neon Conehead2.png4 Arcade Zombie2.png2 Arcade Zombie2.png3 Arcade Zombie2.png4 None 8-bit plays.
9 Neon Buckethead2.png3 Neon Buckethead2.png3 Arcade Zombie2.png1 Arcade Zombie2.png5 None
10 Neon Conehead2.png1 Neon Conehead2.png2 Neon Conehead2.png3 Neon Conehead2.png4 Neon Conehead2.png5 Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png1 Punk Zombie2.png2 Punk Zombie2.png2 Punk Zombie2.png3 Punk Zombie2.png3 Punk Zombie2.png4 Punk Zombie2.png4 Punk Zombie2.png5 Punk Zombie2.png5 None Punk plays.

Note: waves are randomized; a flag happens during the final wave; Roman Zombie2.png, Roman Conehead2.png, Roman Buckethead2.png, Roman Shield Zombie2.png and Gladiator Gargantuar2.png appear at random.

<poll> How would you rate Legions of the Undead - Level 7's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>