Divide by Nero - Level 4
Divide by Nero - Level 4 is the fourth level of the Divide by Nero event in Penny's Pursuit. It is an Arena level and is similar to Goo Peashooter's Tournament. It has new objectives and zombie swaps, similar to other Penny's Pursuit levels. In addition to the zombie swaps, there are also some newly added zombies.
This level can be pretty hard due to the minimum preparation at the start. With how unpredictable the pattern of zombies are, this only makes the level even more difficult than it already is.
Difficulty Swaps
In Penny's Pursuit, the zombies in a level can swap depending on the difficulty chosen.
or can remain the same
or can remain the same
or can remain the same
Extra Hot
or can remain the same
or can remain the same
or can remain the same
Bonus Objectives
In Penny's Pursuit, levels have bonus objectives that can be completed to level up Penny Perks.
Mild Bonus Objective
- Score to beat: 10,000,000
Spicy Bonus Objectives
- Score to beat: 20,000,000
- Defeat Cardio 3 Times
Extra Hot Bonus Objectives
- Score to beat: 45,000,000
- Defeat Cardio 3 Times
- The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Note: waves are duplicated and randomized; ,
appear at random;
appears after 15 seconds.
Strategy 1:
- Unfortunately, this strategy does not allow the player to complete any of the bonus objectives at the hardest difficulty. Select Zom-B-Gone perk beforehand.
- For the previous 2 difficulties,
(the higher the level the better),
and other instants will complete the level and both objectives easily. But for the hardest difficulty, Bug Zombies and Blastronaut Zombies will cause the player to fail the level easily as the hardest difficulty has no lawnmowers. Hence the player should try to slow down the waves of incoming zombies to give Hurrikale more time to recharge.
- Plants needed:
- Other plants to consider:
- Plant a column of Winter Melon at the back. Kernel-pults can occupy row 2.
- Save squash for the flying bugs and blastronauts. For hamsterbralls, sacrifice a kernel pult to slow it, then push it back with hurrikale/use squash to defeat it.
- Plant food Kernel-pult or Winter-mint. Good luck!
Strategy 2:
- An improvement of strategy 1.
combo makes this level much easier than using my original strategy.
- Simply plant a minimum of 3 infinuts and 3 different columns and use reinforce-mint, that way you will have at least 3 columns of barriers.
- Use
on hamsterbralls.
- You can only use your instants on zombies carrying plant food to recharge Reinforce-mint if needed.
- Slowing plants like
can be used as the only attacker of this level.
<poll> How would you rate Divide by Nero - Level 4's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>