Romeward Bound - Level 4

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Romeward Bound - Level 4 is the fourth level of the Roamin' Romans and Romeward Bound events in Penny's Pursuit. It takes place in Lost City, and is very similar to Lost City - Day 15. It has new objectives and zombie swaps, similar to other Penny's Pursuit levels.


This level is almost identical to its original counterpart. Just like with the previous level, the difficulty swaps don't really matter here since they're purely cosmetic. Any strategies that worked in the original should work here.

Difficulty Swaps

In this Penny's Pursuit level, the zombie swaps are the same in each difficulty.

Adventurer Zombie2.png -> Roman Zombie2.png
Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png -> Roman Conehead2.png
Buckethead Adventurer Zombie2.png -> Roman Buckethead2.png

Bonus Objectives

In Penny's Pursuit, levels have bonus objectives that can be completed to level up Penny Perks.

Mild Bonus Objective

  • Survive and protect the endangered plants

Spicy Bonus Objectives

  • Survive and protect the endangered plants
  • Don't let the zombies trample the flowers

Extra Hot Bonus Objectives

  • Survive and protect the endangered plants
  • Don't let the zombies trample the flowers


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Adventurer Zombie2.png2 None
2 Adventurer Zombie2.png1 Adventurer Zombie2.png5 None
3 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png4 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
4 Adventurer Zombie2.png4 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png2 Buckethead Adventurer Zombie2.png3 Flag Adventurer Zombie2.png None First flag.
5 Excavator Zombie2.png1 Excavator Zombie2.png5 None
6 Adventurer Zombie2.png3 Parasol Zombie2.png2 None
7 Adventurer Zombie2.png5 Excavator Zombie2.png5 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
8 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png3 Flag Adventurer Zombie2.png Excavator Zombie2.png1 Excavator Zombie2.png5 Bug Zombie2.png2 Bug Zombie2.png4 None Second flag.
9 Adventurer Zombie2.png2 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png1 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png5 None
10 Adventurer Zombie2.png5 Buckethead Adventurer Zombie2.png1 None
11 Parasol Zombie2.png2 Parasol Zombie2.png4 None Carries 1x Plant Food.
12 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png2 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png3 Conehead Adventurer Zombie2.png4 Flag Adventurer Zombie2.png Excavator Zombie2.png1 Excavator Zombie2.png5 Bug Zombie2.png1 Bug Zombie2.png5 None Final wave.


Strategy 1:

  • Select bass blast perk for this strategy.
  • Plants needed:
    • Blover2.png
    • Chard Guard2.png
    • Reinforce-mint2.png (or Hurrikale2.png if you don't have it.)
    • Moonflower2.png
    • Shadow Peashooter2.png or Squash2.png (If you brought Squash, use Hurrikale instead of Reinforce-mint.)
  • Plant Moonflowers at C2R1,3,5 and C3R2,4 if you brought in Shadow Peashooter (then fill the remaining spaces at C1-4 with Shadow Peashooter) or plant Moonflowers at C1 and 2 R2-4 if you brought in Squash. Stall the first few zombies with Chard Guards (which should be planted at C5) till you have at least 500 sun in your sun bank.
  • Prioritise your Squash and Hurrikale on Excavator Zombies.
  • That's it! Use Blover when the bass plays or when zombies come near your Chard Guards. Prepare to collect your 15 Explode-o-nut seed packets after that.


For a walkthrough of this level in Mild Difficulty, click here

For a wlakthrough of this level in Spicy Difficulty, click here

<poll> How would you rate Romeward Bound - Level 4's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>