Vidi, Vici, BRAINZ! - Level 3

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Vidi, Vici, BRAINZ! - Level 3 is the third level of the Vidi, Vici, BRAINZ! event in Penny's Pursuit. It has bonus objectives and zombie swaps, just like any other Penny's Pursuit level.


With the plants in this level, defeating zombies can be quite a difficult task. Kernel-pults and Phat Beets, while they deal decent damage, they get easily overcrowded by zombies such as Roman Shield Zombie.

Difficulty Swaps

In Penny's Pursuit, the zombies in a level can swap depending on the difficulty chosen.


Pharaoh Zombie2.png -> Roman Conehead2.png or can remain the same
Prospector Zombie2.png -> Roman Shield Zombie2.png or can remain the same
Neon Zombie2.png -> Roman Imp2.png or can remain the same


Pharaoh Zombie2.png -> Roman Buckethead2.png, Centurion Zombie2.png, or can remain the same
Prospector Zombie2.png -> Healer Zombie2.png or can remain the same
Neon Zombie2.png -> Roman Conehead2.png, Roman Imp2.png, or can remain the same

Extra Hot

Pharaoh Zombie2.png -> Centurion Zombie2.png or can remain the same
Prospector Zombie2.png -> Healer Zombie2.png or can remain the same
Neon Zombie2.png -> Roman Conehead2.png or can remain the same

Bonus Objectives

In Penny's Pursuit, levels have bonus objectives that can be completed to level up Penny Perks.

Mild Bonus Objective

  • Butter 100 Zombies!

Spicy Bonus Objectives

  • Don't let the zombies trample the flowers
  • Butter 100 Zombies!

Extra Hot Bonus Objectives

  • Don't let the zombies trample the flowers
  • Butter 100 Zombies!


The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Neon Zombie2.png Healer Zombie2.png None Kernel-pult2.png is available.
2 Pharaoh Zombie2.png Neon Zombie2.png None
3 Neon Zombie2.png None
4 Pharaoh Zombie2.png Neon Zombie2.png Roman Flag Zombie2.png Healer Zombie2.png Healer Zombie2.png None Ultomato2.png is available.
First flag.
5 Neon Zombie2.png None
6 Pharaoh Zombie2.png Neon Zombie2.png Healer Zombie2.png None
7 Neon Zombie2.png None
8 Pharaoh Zombie2.png Prospector Zombie2.png1 Prospector Zombie2.png2 Prospector Zombie2.png3 Prospector Zombie2.png4 Prospector Zombie2.png5 Neon Zombie2.png Roman Flag Zombie2.png None Second flag.
9 Pharaoh Zombie2.png Prospector Zombie2.png2 Prospector Zombie2.png4 Neon Zombie2.png None Carries 1x Plant Food.
10 Prospector Zombie2.png1 Prospector Zombie2.png3 Prospector Zombie2.png5 Neon Zombie2.png None
11 Pharaoh Zombie2.png Prospector Zombie2.png2 Prospector Zombie2.png4 Neon Zombie2.png None
12 Pharaoh Zombie2.png Prospector Zombie2.png1 Prospector Zombie2.png2 Prospector Zombie2.png3 Prospector Zombie2.png4 Prospector Zombie2.png5 Neon Zombie2.png Roman Flag Zombie2.png Gladiator Gargantuar2.png None Final wave.

Note: Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png and Excavator Zombie2.png appear at random.


Use Ultomato to wipe out strong zombies such as Roman Buckethead Zombie, Roman Sheild Zombie, and Gladiator Gargantuar. Use Phat Beet to easily destroy chickens and Kernel-pult to stall Prospector Zombie from jumping to the other side and also to have time to plant.

<poll> How would you rate Vidi, Vici, BRAINZ! - Level 3's difficulty? Very hard Hard Somewhat hard Medium Somewhat easy Easy Very easy </poll>