Two-Player Mode

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This article is about content available solely in the People's Republic of China.
Carrotillery vectorized.png
He prefers to call himself Optimus Prime.
This page does not have an official English name. However, all pages will use Two-Player Mode to refer to it.
This article is about the PvP mode in the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2. For the deleted game mode in the same game, see Battle. For the competitive game mode in the international version, see Arena. For the two player modes in Plants vs. Zombies, see Versus Mode and Co-op Mode.

Two-player Mode (双人对决; pinyin: Shuāngrén Duìjué) is a game mode introduced in the 3.0.2 update for Plants Vs. Zombies 2 (Chinese Version). In this gamemode, two players face off in real time in an attempt to take down the opposing player's base by sending zombies while also protecting your own with plants. It is unlocked after completing day 9 of Pirate Seas.


In the main menu, there are 2 options at the bottom of the screen. The left button takes you to Daily Missions, a menu with tasks you can complete to gain exp for the battlepass, and battle coins and chests to upgrade zombies. The right button takes you to the zombie menu where you can organize, level up or swap out your zombie setup. In the middle of the main menu is a trophy that indicates your current league, if you click on it, it will take you to a roadmap of rewards towards a profile background. After 10 matchs you can redeem rewards through stars from battles. The top right houses 2 buttons; a button that gives a brief guide on the mode, and a shop to spend battle coins on a refreshing page with zombie packets. The top left button gives a brief guide on the terrains. The middle left button is a mode where you can battle friends (this is unreleased), and the middle right button takes you to a seed selection page where you can also start a match.


Seed Selection

Before looking for a match the player is taken to a seed selection menu where they have the option to choose their plants which they currently own. There are 6 slots total and plant's levels depends on where in the slot they are, slots 1, 2 are level 1, slots 3, 4 are level 3 and slots 5, 6 are at level 5. Several types of plants are banned, some of which to note are sun-producers, tap-to-activate plants, extraordinary-range plants, special-gimmick plants, and some others.

List of banned plants Sunflower2C.png Grave Buster2.png Twin Sunflower2.png Coconut Cannon2.png Power Lily2C.png Pea Pod2.png Jalapeno2C.png Imitater2C.png Fire Gourd2.png Blover2.png E.M.Peach2.png Magnifying Grass2.png Starfruit2C.png Tile Turnip2.png Sun-shroom2.png Sun Bean2.png Coffee Bean2.png Magnet-shroom2.png Oak Archer2.png Lily Pad2C.png Tangle Kelp2C.png Bowling Bulb2.png Homing Thistle2C.png Banana Launcher2.png Hot Potato2.png Rotobaga2C.png Horsebean2.png Lava Guava2C.png Toadstool2C.png Gold Leaf2.png Phat Beet2.png Thyme Warp2.png Spore-shroom2.png Intensive Carrot2.png Primal Sunflower2.png Perfume-shroom2.png Timid Thorns2.png Moonflower2.png Caulipower2C.png Gold Bloom2C.png Flat-shroom2.png Stephania2.png Chef Cypripedium2.png Heath Seeker2C.png Hocus Crocus2C.png Flower Pot2.png Carrotillery2.png Strong Broccoli2.png Machine Gun Pomegranate2.png Ghost Pepper2C.png Electric Blueberry2C.png Sunflower Singer2.png Pumpkin Witch2.png Pretty Plum2.png Angel Starfruit2.png Gatling Pea2.png Cattail2.png Grapeshot2C.png Cob Cannon2.png Electric Currant2C.png Escape Root2C.png Witch Hazel2C.png Missile Toe2C.png Electric Peashooter2C.png Icy Currant2.png Eggplant Ninja2.png Alarm Explosive Arrowhead2.png Holly Barrier2C.png Sling Pea2C.png Strawburst2C.png Bromel Blade2.png Boom Balloon Flower2C.png Turkey-pult2C.png Hammer Flower2.png Fishhook Grass2.png Zoybean Pod2C.png Jack O' Lantern2C.png Pike Hoya2.png Vamporcini2C.png Capaci-cone2.png Meteor Flower2C.png Gorgon Pitcher2.png Abyss Anemone2.png Parkour Mandrake2.png Abyss Devil's Claw2.png Hoya Heart2.png MayBee2C.png Oilseed-pult2.png Bamboo Spartan2C.png Dracaena2.png Sunshine Leek2.png Nightcap2C.png Shine Vine2C.png Bun Chi2C.png Gluttonous Snapdragon2.png Heliconia Gunner2.png Electric Peel2C.png Thorn Wizard2.png Cactus Mistletoe2.png Lunisolar Honeysuckle2.png P-Mech Assembler - Flamestar2.png

Note that to make the playing field fair for all players:

  • Costumes are disabled
  • Bonuses gained from Pendants and Pots are disabled
  • Artifacts are disabled
  • Plant Family boosts are disabled
  • Plant Genes bonuses are disabled
  • Treasures are disabled
  • Red Queen Playing Card is disabled
  • Plant Food boosts from level 4/5 plants are disabled

Battlegrounds & Rules

Each player's lawns have three rows separated by a rock path that shows the names of the players, the health of their base and how many turns into the match, which the player's lawn always at the top and the enemy's lawn at the bottom. Each player has 20 health and in order to win the player must make sure at least 10 zombies reaches the flag at the end of the opponent's lawn. Each zombie deals 2 damage to the base no matter what zombie they are and will give you back the sun spent to deploy them when they successfully reach the end.

There are 20 total turns in a match, with each turn lasting 25 seconds totaling 8 minutes and 40 seconds for the full 20 turns, each turn contributes to unlocking stronger zombies as well as unlocking plants in slots 3 to 6, new turn begins after a set amount of time has passed. The more turns passed, the higher leveled the zombies will become, both spawned by the game and those by the player.

The game will end if all 20 turns passed without either player's base reaching 0 health, should it happen the player with the higher base health is declared the winner, if both are even then the game ends in a draw. If one of the players lose internet connection the other player will immediately win.


At the start of the game each player begins with 650 sun, a limit of 6 plants can be planted and the plants in the first 2 slots are available. The 3rd and 4th slots become available in turn 3 while the 5th and 6th slots are accessible in turn 6. The player can shovel up plants to free up space for new plants.

Players can spend sun to upgrade their sun bank when they have enough sun. Upgrading your sun bank increases sun production and plant limit (SP = Sun Production, PL = Plant Limit):

  • Tier 1: Costs 0 sun, +100 SP, 6 PL
  • Tier 2: Costs 300 sun, +200 SP, 8 PL
  • Tier 3: Costs 500 sun, +300 SP, 10 PL
  • Tier 4: Costs 1000 sun, +400 SP, 12 PL
  • Tier 5: Costs 2400 sun, +500 SP, 14 PL
  • Tier 6: Costs 3000 sun, +700 SP, 16 PL
  • Tier 7: Costs 4000 sun, +1200 SP, 18 PL


At the start of the game any of these three zombies in the player's army is available: Basic Zombie, Conehead Zombie, Buckethead Zombie, Blockhead Zombie, Zombie Chicken, Ice Weasel, Newspaper Zombie, Explorer Zombie, Dodo Rider Zombie, Balloon Imp, Drinking Zombie, Bandit Zombie, Parasol Zombie, Ninjimp, Swordsman Zombie, Torch Monk Zombie, Imp Dragon Zombie, Bug Zombie, Lost Doctor Zombie, Peasant Zombie, Tomb Raiser Zombie or Prospector Zombie. More zombies will become available the further the game goes, Gatling Pea Zombie, Digger Zombie, Balloon Zombie, Snow Pea Zombie, Excavator Zombie, Onmyoji Zombie, Sunday Edition Zombie, Robo-Cone Zombie, Gentleman Zombie, Chicken Wrangler Zombie, Punk Zombie, Bust Head Zombie, Hammer Zombie, Pirate Captain Zombie, Firework Zombie or Barrel Roller Zombie becomes available on turn 3; Shield Zombie, Explode-o-nut Zombie, Zombie Bull, Jurassic Bully, Surfer Zombie, Jalapeno Zombie, Toy Car Imp, Exploding Zombie, Hunter Zombie, Turquoise Skull Zombie, Gong Zombie or Qigong Zombie becomes available on turn 4; All-Star Zombie, Wizard Zombie, Healer Zombie or Breakdancer Zombie becomes available on turn 5; Octo Zombie, Glider Zombie, Shell Zombie, Chief Ice Wind Zombie, Troglobite, Glitter Zombie, Jester Zombie or Cavalry Zombie becomes available on turn 6; and finally, Han Bronze, Gargantuar or Zcorpion Zombie becomes available on turn 7. To send zombies, players also have to spend sun from their sun bank to deploy them, which will be put into a squad on the top of the screen and will be deployed onto the enemy's lawn one by one, starting from the top lane towards the bottom land then repeats; be careful as your opponent can see which zombies you are sending at them from an indicator on the right side of their lawn.

Alongside sending zombies, you can also give your zombies three different buffs before they are deployed, which will cause them to have different strengths but will double their base sun cost for each buff active (meaning each buff enabled will double the zombie's base sun cost, enabling two buffs will cause the total cost of the zombie to be 4 times as expensive and three buffs will make the zombies 6 times as expensive).

Buffs are available at the bottom left of the screen underside the zombie packets and can be enabled/disabled at will indicated by yellow lights circling it. Buff 1 is a Speed buff to all zombies, once selected, will cause deployed zombies to move 100% faster (available from turn 1). Buff 2 is a Health buff to zombies allowing them to take 100% more damage (available from turn 2). Buff 3 is an Immunity buff allowing zombies to become immune to most negative effects like poison, knockback etc (available from turn 6).

The zombies are put into a quality categorization which defines how hard is it to level up the said zombie, and how much it can be leveled up. White, Purple, and Orange are the three qualities the zombies can have.

In the menu, players can strengthen their zombies in specific stats by leveling up their zombies. Zombies of white quality can be leveled up to 10, whereas zombies of purple quality can be leveled up to 8 instead, and zombies of orange quality can be leveled up to only 4, that is, by spending their respective zombie packets. Be aware that the higher level a zombie is, the more zombie packets are required to level it up.

Zombie Base Sun Cost Available on turn Upgrade Quantity Quality
Basic Zombie2.png 5 1 HP +27 White
Conehead Zombie2.png 15 1 DPS +5 White
Buckethead Zombie2.png 30 1 Sun -1 White
Newspaper Zombie2.png 25 1 Sun -1 White
Sunday Edition Zombie2.png 55 3 Sun -2 Purple
Balloon Zombie2.png 30 3 HP +25 White
All-Star Zombie2.png 90 5 Sun -2 Purple
Digger Zombie2.png 75 3 HP +20 Purple
Gargantuar2.png 200 7 Sun -4 White
Explorer Zombie2.png 55 1 HP +35 Purple
Tomb Raiser Zombie2.png 50 1 HP ±0 Purple
Pirate Captain Zombie2.png 55 3 HP +40 Purple
Barrel Roller Zombie2.png 50 3 HP ±0 Purple
Prospector Zombie2.png 60 1 Sun ±0 Purple
Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png 50 3 DPS +10 Purple
Zombie Chicken2.png 5 1 HP +2 White
Zombie Bull2.png 75 4 DPS +10 Purple
Hammer Zombie2.png 70 3 HP +40 Purple
Drinking Zombie2.png 50 1 DPS +5 White
Qigong Zombie2.png 90 4 HP +150 Orange
Exploding Zombie2.png 70 4 HP +40 Purple
Gong Zombie2.png 90 4 Sun -2 Purple
Torch Monk Zombie2.png 60 1 HP +40 Purple
Swordsman Zombie2.png 30 1 DPS +5 White
Han Bronze2.png 300 7 Sun -5 Purple
Shield Zombie2.png 50 4 HP +25 White
Robo-Cone Zombie2.png 120 3 DPS +5 White
Peasant Zombie2.png 5 1 DPS +5 White
Bandit Zombie2.png 125 1 HP +40 Purple
Jester Zombie2.png 110 6 Sun -2 Purple
Wizard Zombie2.png 150 5 Sun -2 Purple
Cavalry Zombie2.png 180 6 Sun ±0 Orange
Imp Dragon Zombie2.png 20 1 HP +30 Purple
Surfer Zombie2.png 90 4 Sun -2 Purple
Octo Zombie2.png 150 6 Sun -2 Purple
Shell Zombie2.png 150 6 Sun -2 Purple
Blockhead Zombie2.png 50 1 DPS +5 White
Hunter Zombie2.png 65 4 HP +40 Purple
Dodo Rider Zombie2.png 40 1 HP +40 Purple
Troglobite2.png 160 6 Sun -2 Purple
Ice Weasel2.png 6 1 DPS +10 Purple
Chief Ice Wind Zombie2.png 200 6 HP +150 Orange
Excavator Zombie2.png 50 3 HP +150 Orange
Parasol Zombie2.png 70 1 HP +40 Purple
Bug Zombie2.png 40 1 DPS +5 White
Turquoise Skull Zombie2.png 55 4 HP +40 Purple
Lost Doctor Zombie2.png 45 1 Sun -2 Purple
Glitter Zombie2.png 150 6 HP +150 Orange
Punk Zombie2.png 60 3 HP +150 Orange
Breakdancer Zombie2.png 90 5 HP ±0 Orange
Jurassic Bully2.png 85 4 DPS +10 Purple
Gentleman Zombie2.png 50 3 DPS +10 Purple
Glider Zombie2.png 90 6 Speed +0.02 Purple
Firework Zombie2.png 75 3 HP +40 Purple
Ninjimp2.png 60 1 HP +25 White
Onmyoji Zombie2.png 240 3 HP +150 Orange
Toy Car Imp2.png 75 4 Sun -2 Purple
Balloon Imp2.png 50 1 DPS +5 White
Gatling Pea Zombie2.png 35 3 DPS +1 Purple
Explode-O-Nut Zombie2.png 90 4 Sun -2 Purple
Jalapeno Zombie2.png 120 4 HP +40 Purple
Snow Pea Zombie2.png 30 3 HP +40 Purple
Bust Head Zombie2C.png 60 3 DPS +5 White
Healer Zombie2C.png 150 5 HP +150 Orange
Zcorpion Zombie2C.png 300 7 Sun -25 Orange


Main article: Two-Player Mode/Strategies

Lawn Modifiers

There are 4 different Terrains and 1 theme the player can encounter in their battle, which increases in chance the higher the player's league is.

The most common one is the Basic Terrain with no additional modifiers to them, Fog Terrain which Fog will cover 3x9 tiles of the lawn obstructing players from seeing zombies and plants in the fog, Sliders Terrain where 3 sliders will be placed on the top and bottom lanes forcing all zombies to gather in the center row, Tunnels Terrain which zombies can enter and come out of in a similar fashion to Lost Guide Zombie's tunnels, and finally, there is the Fusion Theme, where if there are 3 or more of the same type of time on the lawn, the fusion effect will be triggered, inheriting the health and damage of the zombies fused into it and the said zombie is considered an Elite Zombie which makes it immune to all negative effects.

Roulette Rewards

10 Pea Pharmacist puzzle pieces 30 diamonds 1 Basic Fertilizer pendant 10 Explode-O-Nut puzzle pieces 10000 coins 60 diamonds 1 Advanced Mediacal Box pendant 30 costume puzzle pieces
5000 coins 10 Shadow Peashooter puzzle pieces
10 Toadstool puzzle pieces 10 Sunflower Singer puzzle pieces
10 Pokra puzzle pieces 1 Sun Pot pendant 30 Shadow Peashooter puzzle pieces 10 Tulip Trumpeter puzzle pieces 10 Horsebean puzzle pieces 1 Wooden Slingshot pendant 20 Shadow Peashooter puzzle pieces 5 Pea Pharmacist puzzle pieces

10 Pea Pharmacist puzzle pieces 30 diamonds 1 Basic Medical Box pendant 10 Melon-pult puzzle pieces 10000 coins 60 diamonds 1 Rare Fertilizer pendant 30 costume puzzle pieces
5000 coins 10 Boom Balloon Flower puzzle pieces
10 Primal Wall-nut puzzle pieces 10 Chard Guard puzzle pieces
10 Claw Gloriosa puzzle pieces 1 Painkiller pendant 30 Boom Balloon Flower puzzle pieces 10 Sugarcane Master puzzle pieces 10 Grimrose puzzle pieces 1 Small Clock pendant 20 Boom Balloon Flower puzzle pieces 5 Pea Pharmacist puzzle pieces

1 Sunflower Book 30 diamonds 1 Basic Bucket pendant 10 Sweet Potato puzzle pieces 10000 coins 60 diamonds 1 Refined Snowflake pendant Pumpkin or his costume
5000 coins 10 Missile Toe puzzle pieces
10 Chestnut Squad puzzle pieces 10 Kiwifruit puzzle pieces
10 Celebration Soda Palm puzzle pieces 1 Advanced Grimoire pendant 30 Missile Toe puzzle pieces 5 Celebration Soda Palm puzzle pieces 10 Dandelion puzzle pieces 1 White Candle pendant 20 Missile Toe puzzle pieces 10 Electrici-tea puzzle pieces

1 Sunflower Book 30 diamonds 1 Basic Snowflake pendant 10 Snow Pea puzzle pieces 10000 coins 60 diamonds 1 Delicate Alarm Clock pendant Power Vine or his costume
5000 coins 10 Wind-Blowing Vanilla puzzle pieces
10 Heath Seeker puzzle pieces 10 Shadow Vanilla puzzle pieces
10 Bamboo Trooper puzzle pieces 1 Powerful Insecticide pendant 30 Wind-Blowing Vanilla puzzle pieces 5 Bamboo Trooper puzzle pieces 10 Grimrose puzzle pieces 1 Metal Slingshot pendant 20 Wind-Blowing Vanilla puzzle pieces 10 Imp Pear puzzle pieces

1 Sunflower Book 30 diamonds 1 Basic Fertilizer pendant 10 Fire Peashooter puzzle pieces 10000 coins 60 diamonds 1 Advanced Medical Box pendant Power Vine or his costume
5000 coins 10 Dino-Roar Grass puzzle pieces
10 Asparagus puzzle pieces 10 Shadow Vanilla puzzle pieces
10 Pea Pharmacist puzzle pieces 1 Sun Pot pendant 30 Dino-Roar Grass puzzle pieces 5 Pea Pharmacist puzzle pieces 10 Dollarweed Drummer puzzle pieces 1 Wooden Slingshot pendant 20 Dino-Roar Grass puzzle pieces 10 Imp Pear puzzle pieces

1 Sunflower Book 30 diamonds 1 Basic Fertilizer pendant 10 Threepeater puzzle pieces 10000 coins 60 diamonds 1 Advanced Medical Box pendant Power Vine or his costume
5000 coins 10 Shadow Peashooter puzzle pieces
10 Pumpkin Witch puzzle pieces 10 Horsebean puzzle pieces
10 Jack O' Lantern puzzle pieces 1 Sun Pot pendant 30 Shadow Peashooter puzzle pieces 5 Jack O' Lantern puzzle pieces 10 Kiwifruit puzzle pieces 1 Wooden Slingshot pendant 20 Shadow Peashooter puzzle pieces 10 Imp Pear puzzle pieces

1 Sunflower Book 30 diamonds 1 Basic Fertilizer pendant 10 Dendrobium Windbreak puzzle pieces 10000 coins 60 diamonds 1 Advanced Medical Box pendant Pea Vine or his costume
5000 coins 10 Banksia Boxer puzzle pieces
10 Rose Swordfighter puzzle pieces 10 Shadow Peashooter puzzle pieces
10 Pea Pharmacist puzzle pieces 1 Sun Pot pendant 30 Banksia Boxer puzzle pieces 5 Pea Pharmacist puzzle pieces 10 Kiwifruit puzzle pieces 1 White Candle pendant 20 Banksia Boxer puzzle pieces 10 Missile Toe puzzle pieces

1 Sunflower Book 30 diamonds 1 Basic Fertilizer pendant 10 Fire Peashooter puzzle pieces 10000 coins 60 diamonds 1 Advanced Medical Box pendant Shine Vine or its costume
5000 coins 10 Dino-Roar Grass puzzle pieces
10 Asparagus puzzle pieces 10 Shadow Vanilla puzzle pieces
10 Jack O' Lantern puzzle pieces 1 Sun Pot pendant 30 Dino-Roar Grass puzzle pieces 5 Jack O' Lantern puzzle pieces 10 Dollarweed Drummer puzzle pieces 1 Wooden Slingshot pendant 20 Dino-Roar Grass puzzle pieces 10 Imp Pear puzzle pieces

1 Sunflower Book 30 diamonds 1 Basic Fertilizer pendant 10 Threepeater puzzle pieces 10000 coins 60 diamonds 1 Advanced Medical Box pendant Shine Vine or its costume
5000 coins 10 Shadow Peashooter puzzle pieces
10 Pumpkin Witch puzzle pieces 10 Horsebean puzzle pieces
10 Pea Pharmacist puzzle pieces 1 Analgesic Painkiller pendant 30 Shadow Peashooter puzzle pieces 5 Pea Pharmacist puzzle pieces 10 Kiwifruit puzzle pieces 1 Small Clock pendant 20 Shadow Peashooter puzzle pieces 10 Aloe puzzle pieces

1 Sunflower Book 30 diamonds 1 Basic Fertilizer pendant 10 Dendrobium Windbreak puzzle pieces 10000 coins 60 diamonds 1 Advanced Medical Box pendant Pyre Vine or his costume
5000 coins 10 Dino-Roar Grass puzzle pieces
10 Rose Swordfighter puzzle pieces 10 Dollarweed Drummer puzzle pieces
10 Pea Pharmacist puzzle pieces 1 Analgesic Painkiller pendant 30 Dino-Roar Grass puzzle pieces 5 Pea Pharmacist puzzle pieces 10 Dollarweed Drummer puzzle pieces 1 Wooden Slingshot pendant 20 Dino-Roar Grass puzzle pieces 10 Imp Pear puzzle pieces

1 Sunflower Book 30 diamonds 1 Basic Fertilizer pendant 10 Endurian puzzle pieces 10000 coins 60 diamonds 1 Advanced Medical Box pendant Vine Gift Box
5000 coins 10 Shadow Vanilla puzzle pieces
10 Rose Swordfighter puzzle pieces 10 Sunflower Singer puzzle pieces
10 Sunshine Leek puzzle pieces 1 Analgesic Painkiller pendant 30 Shadow Vanilla puzzle pieces 5 Sunshine Leek puzzle pieces 10 Sunflower Singer puzzle pieces 1 Small Clock pendant 20 Shadow Vanilla puzzle pieces 10 Imp Pear puzzle pieces

1 Sunflower Book 30 diamonds 1 Basic Fertilizer pendant 10 Dendrobium Windbreak puzzle pieces 10000 coins 60 diamonds 1 Advanced Medical Box pendant Vine Gift Box
5000 coins 10 Electric Blueberry puzzle pieces
10 Primal Wall-nut puzzle pieces 10 Crystal Orchid puzzle pieces
10 Vamporcini puzzle pieces 1 Sun Pot pendant 30 Electric Blueberry puzzle pieces 5 Vamporcini puzzle pieces 10 Crystal Orchid puzzle pieces 1 Small Clock pendant 20 Electric Blueberry puzzle pieces 10 Imp Pear puzzle pieces



  • Despite the fact that the manual in-game mentions a Fusion Theme existing, it actually does not exist in the game and will never be set in matches. It is unknown as to why this is the case.