Zombot Mark II

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They can be tough nuts to crack.
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Zombot Mark II (无畏者Ⅱ号; pinyin: wúwèizhě èrhào) is the boss of Memory Lane in the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2. To unlock his level, the player must beat all other normal stages with every bonus objective. It is battled in the Night Roof and can summon most zombies from Modern Day and some from Far Future.

Zombot Mark II will also spawn Fireballs and Iceballs to roll down lanes and crush the players plants. unlike in the first game, Fireballs and Iceballs can be destroyed by being attacked by plants, however, Fireballs can only be damaged by ice attacks and Iceballs can only be damaged by fire attacks. Both Fireballs and Iceballs have 1800 HP (2500 in hard mode) which, combined with their faster speed compared to their original version, means destroying them like this is highly unlikely. Like in the first game, Jalapeno is able to instantly destroy Iceballs, but due to Ice-shroom not being available in this game Iceberg Lettuce replaces him as the plant that instantly destroys Fireballs. Both attacks can no longer squish Lawn Mowers.

Zombot Mark II is also able to stomp down on plants planted near it, instantly defeating them, just like its counterpart from the original game. Strangely it now performs it randomly instead of only doing it when it detects that plants are near it.

Zombot Mark II is also able to crush plants by throwing an RV into the player's plant setup, crushing plants in an 3x2 area.

Zombot Mark II is only able to be damaged when it bends down to summon a Fireball or Iceball. Zombot Mark II has four phases of health, with each phase it places stronger and more diverse zombies as well as varying its attacks. Overflow damage dealt in each phase does not carry over to the next and Zombot Mark II cannot be damaged when changing phases. Attacks on the Zombot also can only do up to 100 damage at once.

Almanac Entry

无畏者Ⅱ号 (Dreadnought II)

SPEED: Hungry



    In English:

    Dr. Zomboss' once-confident work is back.

    If Dr. Zomboss surrenders it would be too soon. It's been wrecked once, but he still believes in rising from his grave for retribution. Retribution!


The Zombot Mark II has three different attacks:

  • It will summon different zombies depending on the phase
  • It can bend down to create a fireball or iceball that will destroy all plants in a lane
  • It can throw an RV to destroy plants in a 2x3 area
  • It can stomp on plants on the sixth to eighth columns
Phase HP Summoned zombies Attacks
1 4000(normal)


Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Imp2.png Can stomp on nearby plants and create fireballs and iceballs
2 4000(normal)


Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Has the same abilities as phase 1
3 4000(normal)


Gargantuar Prime2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Sunday Edition Zombie2.png Riot Police Zombie2.png Gargantuar2.png Gains the ability to throw RVs
4 4000(normal)


Disco-tron 30002.png Gargantuar Prime2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Sunday Edition Zombie2.png Gargantuar2.png Same abilities as phase 3


On Normal Mode, bringing Flower Pot, Jalapeno, and Iceberg Lettuce is strongly recommended so that players can plant on the roof and to counter the Zombot's fireball and iceball attacks. Gold Bloom and its imitated form can help a player get much sun early as they will need to counter the initial level 2 Buckethead Zombies at the beginning of the fight. As for defeating Zomboss and the other tough zombies he summons, try bringing stalling plants such as Winter Melon or Pokra to slow down the summoned zombies while other plants such as Firebloom Queen and Lily of Alchemy do damage to Zomboss.

On Hard Mode, not only are all of the zombies level 2-3 but only two plants from the second game can be used and there are three prevailing conditions which must be met in order to beat the stage. Plants such as Toadstool are very helpful as they can instantly defeat most zombies sent out by Zomboss, can deal heavy damage to the Zombot, and also produce sun. A player can choose between Iceberg Lettuce or Gold bloom to accompany Toadstool and in order to stall for time to set up the initial defenses and sun producers, a player can allow the first few zombies that appear in the stage to trigger the lawn mowers.

Regarding the conditions, note that the objective "Don't have more than X amount of plants" does not apply to Flower Pot so a player can imitate it and use them to stall against the Modern and Future Gargantuars and the All-Stars.

Note that the Zombot is susceptible to being frozen by Iceberg Lettuce’s plant food effect but cannot be chilled by plants such as Winter Melon. Also, the chances that the boss summons a Newspaper Zombie during phase two is very unlikely so a player shouldn't worry about them.

Although Cattails can only hurt the zombies if they are in the front of field, they still can hurt it and destroy its zombies easily. Plant them on the fifth or the sixth column, so Cattails can avoid being destroyed by Zombot's stomp or the RVs and deal heavy damage to him.

Using Hypno-Shroom on Sunday Edition Zombie will make this make this fight a complete joke, as the zombie will absolutely shred his health bar with ease.

Be weary that should Zombot not be defeated in it's 4th phase after it ducks down twice, it will only send Gargantuars that always carry plant food and Gargantuar Primes, both level 3, in addition to throwing an RV after every time he stands up.



  • There's actually 9 Zombot Mark IIs in the game files, each one with the codename zombossmech_pvz1_robot_ followed by a number from 1 to 9. The first 8 have slightly different attack patterns and are cycled through each time a new Memory Lane season starts for Normal Mode, with the last one being the sole variant used in Hard Mode.
  • Prior to version 2.9.8, the boss fight played Grasswalk instead of Braniac Maniac.
  • Despite being called "Dreadnought Ⅱ" in Chinese, the name "Dreadnought" has never been used to refer to the Zombot from the original game or in any media.
  • Balloon Zombies summoned by the Zombot will appear visually to not have a Balloon when summoned, however when they first encounter a plant the Balloon will suddenly appear out of thin air.
  • Unlike the original Zombot, the Zombot Mark II's hitbox does not strech across five lanes, but rather only two.
  • Allied zombies will attempt to attack the Zombot even when it's standing up, they can only damage him when his head is down however.
  • He can be moved by Sweet Potato, which also breaks his animations.

See also

V · E Zombies (Tower defense) L · G
Plants vs. Zombies
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Chinese New
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Memory Lane
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Qin Shi
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Plants vs. Zombies 3
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BBQ Beach Shark Zombie · Sunbather Zombie · Flamingo Rider · Sharktronic Sand Sub

Fast Food
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Savings &
Lawn Bank
Firewall Zombie · Robber Imp · Crossing Guard · Jackhammer Zombie

Brainiacs Rainbow Glitz · Immorticia · Ballpark Frank · Dr. Zomboss

Brainiac Minions
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