Plant feature

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He prefers to call himself Optimus Prime.
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They can be tough nuts to crack.
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If my systems f-f-f-freeze up, we could be stuck here forever!
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This article is about content available solely in the People's Republic of China.
Not to be confused with Plant Family, another categorization method of plants exclusive to the same game.

Plant feature (植物特征, pinyin: Zhíwù Tèzhēng) is the collective name of all the categorizations given to plants in the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2 to be used in Plant Adventures.


Feature Translation Plants
绿色植物 Green plant Peashooter2C.png Cabbage-pult2C.png Grave Buster2.png Bonk Choy2.png Repeater2.png Spikeweed2.png Spring Bean2.png Lightning Reed2C.png Threepeater2C.png Squash2C.png
Split Pea2.png Pea Pod2.png Melon-pult2.png Bamboo Shoot2.png Laser Bean2.png Blover2.png Lotus Pod2.png Lily Pad2C.png Guacodile2C.png Tangle Kelp2C.png
Homing Thistle2C.png Hurrikale2C.png Asparagus2.png Horsebean2.png Lava Guava2C.png Jackfruit2.png Morning Glory2.png Celery Stalker2.png Thyme Warp2.png Cactus2C.png
Primal Peashooter2.png Dino-Roar Grass2.png Caulipower2C.png Dusk Lobber2.png Grimrose2.png Gold Bloom2C.png Lily of Pharmacy2.png Aloe2C.png Wax Gourd Guard2.png Oily Olive2.png
Dartichoke2C.png Stephania2.png Tupistra Stalker2.png Dendrobium Windbreak2.png Boophone Geigi2.png Ents2.png Princess Spring Grass2.png Bamboo Trooper2.png Strong Broccoli2.png Landlord Bamboo2.png
Chestnut Squad2.png Bamboo Bro2.png Mischief Radish2.png Agave2.png Kiwifruit2.png Gatling Pea2.png Sumo Melon2.png Electric Peashooter2C.png Banana Dancer2.png Alarm Explosive Arrowhead2.png
Shadow Peashooter2C.png Snap Pea2C.png Sling Pea2C.png Electrici-tea2C.png Goo Peashooter2C.png Pokra2C.png Dollarweed Drummer2.png Stickybomb Rice2C.png Boom Balloon Flower2C.png Impatiens Shooter2.png
Turkey-pult2C.png Hammer Flower2.png Fishhook Grass2.png Gardener Grass2.png Zoybean Pod2C.png Twin Year of the Rabbits2.png Pike Hoya2.png Bamboo Spartan2C.png Sunshine Leek2.png Gluttonous Snapdragon2.png

Thorn Wizard2.png Sawblade Sundew2.png Aqua Vine2C.png Electric Heartbreak2.png

黄色植物 Yellow plant Sunflower2C.png Twin Sunflower2.png Kernel-pult2.png Fire Gourd2.png Starfruit2C.png Sun-shroom2.png Sun Bean2.png Acidic Lemon2.png Banana Launcher2.png Loquat2.png
Saucer2.png Pineapple2.png Toadstool2C.png Gold Leaf2.png Primal Sunflower2.png Wind-Blowing Vanilla2.png Endurian2C.png Sunflower Singer2.png Witch Hazel2C.png Cob Cannon2C.png
Tulip Trumpeter2.png Dual Pistol Pinecone2.png Shadow Vanilla2.png Bromel Blade2.png Gumnut2C.png Celebration Soda Palm2.png Tigerstool2.png Draftodil2C.png Buttercup2C.png Heliconia Gunner2.png
Gramophone Datura2.png Lunisolar Honeysuckle2.png
褐色植物 Brown plant Wall-nut2C.png Torchwood2C.png Coconut Cannon2.png Potato Mine2.png Tall-nut2.png Pea-nut2C.png Oak Archer2.png Pretty Plum2.png Primal Potato Mine2.png Primal Wall-nut2.png
Timid Thorns2.png Escape Root2C.png Kiwibeast2C.png Hot Date2C.png Inferno2C.png Flower Pot2.png
蓝色植物 Blue plant Iceberg Lettuce2.png Snow Pea2C.png Dusk Lobber2.png Moonflower2.png Nightshade2.png Winter Melon2.png Infi-nut2.png Cryo-shroom2.png Shadow-shroom2.png Electric Blueberry2C.png
Cold Snapdragon2C.png Missile Toe2C.png Crystal Orchid2.png Thunder Snapdragon2.png Gloom Vine2C.png Lunisolar Honeysuckle2.png IceweedPS.png
红色植物 Red plant Cherry Bomb2.png Tulip Trumpeter2.png Chili Bean2.png Jalapeno2C.png Peach2.png Magnet-shroom2.png Pyro-shroom2.png Blooming Heart2C.png Rose Swordfighter2.png Anthurium2.png
Groundcherry2.png Dragonfruit2.png Angel Starfruit2.png Flame Flower Queen2.png Banksia Boxer2.png Red Stinger2.png Intensive Carrot2.png Phat Beet2.png Apple Mortar2C.png Electric Currant2C.png
Mulberry Blaster2.png Dazey Chain2C.png Ultomato2C.png Chef Cypripedium2.png Bearberry Mortar2.png Pomegranate Jeweler2.png Strawburst2C.png Water Chestnut Brothers2.png Tiger Claw2.png Flat-shroom2.png
Holly Barrier2C.png Heliconia Gunner2.png Cactus Mistletoe2.png Electric Tailgrape2.png Dragon Bruit2C.png Crazy Flamevine2.png Rhubarbarian2C.png
白色植物 White plant Draftodil2C.png Dazey Chain2C.png Impatiens Shooter2.png Resistant Radish2.png Magnifying Grass2.png Dandelion2C.png Ghost Pepper2C.png Snow Cotton2.png Cattail2.png Garlic2.png
Dripping Diphylleia2.png Icy Currant2.png Egret Flower Plane2.png Elaeocarpus2.png Lotus Shooter2.png Narcissus Shooter2.png Frost Rambutan2.png
粉色植物 Pink plant Angel Starfruit2.png Impatiens Shooter2.png Heath Seeker2C.png Bubble Cholla2.png
橙色植物 Orange plant A.K.E.E.2.png Pyro-shroom2.png Impatiens Shooter2.png E.M.Peach2.png Citron2.png Carrotillery2.png Machine Gun Pomegranate2.png Stunion2.png Chard Guard2.png Fire Peashooter2C.png
Pepper-pult2.png Pumpkin Witch2.png Parsnip2C.png
紫色植物 Purple plant Grimrose2.png Morning Glory2.png Moonflower2.png Nightshade2.png Shadow-shroom2.png Dazey Chain2C.png Tile Turnip2.png Chomper2C.png Puff-shroom2.png Fume-shroom2.png
Rotobaga2.png Stallia2.png Perfume-shroom2.png Grapeshot2C.png Shrinking Violet2C.png Spore-shroom2.png Sugarcane Master2.png Primal Rafflesia2.png Eggplant Ninja2.png Hocus Crocus2C.png
Impatiens Shooter2.png Maypop Mechanic2.png Orchid Mage2.png Laser Crown Flower2.png Pea Pharmacist2.png
灰色植物 Gray plant Earthstar Nuclear Silo2.png
水生植物 Aquatic plant Guacodile2C.png Lily Pad2C.png Tangle Kelp2C.png Lotus Pod2.png
飞行植物 Flying plant Rotobaga2C.png Asparagus2.png Horsebean2.png Saucer2.png Pineapple2.png Groundcherry2.png Ghost Pepper2C.png Orchid Mage2.png
童话植物 Fairytale plant Hat Mushroom2.png
豌豆家族 Pea family Peashooter2C.png Repeater2.png Snow Pea2C.png Pea Pod2.png Split Pea2.png Threepeater2.png Gatling Pea2.png Primal Peashooter2.png Electric Peashooter2C.png Snap Pea2C.png
Sling Pea2C.png Fire Peashooter2C.png
蘑菇家族 Mushroom Family Sun-shroom2.png Cryo-shroom2.png Shadow-shroom2.png Magnet-shroom2.png Pyro-shroom2.png Puff-shroom2.png Fume-shroom2.png Perfume-shroom2.png Hypno-shroom2C.png Magic-shroom2.png
武器家族 Weapon family Asparagus2.png Mischief Radish2.png Cob Cannon2C.png Coconut Cannon2.png Potato Mine2.png Primal Potato Mine2.png Apple Mortar2C.png Carrotillery2.png Machine Gun Pomegranate2.png Alarm Explosive Arrowhead2.png
Earthstar Nuclear Silo2.png Crazy Flamevine2.png
Shadow family Dusk Lobber2.png Grimrose2.png Shadow Peashooter2C.png Moonflower2.png Nightshade2.png Shadow-shroom2.png Dragon Bruit2C.png Gloom Vine2C.png
旋风家族 Whirlwind Family Loquat2.png Pineapple2.png Whirlwind Acorn2.png
无尽阳光 Infinite sun Sunflower2C.png Twin Sunflower2.png Sun-shroom2.png Sun Bean2.png Sunflower Singer2.png Primal Sunflower2.png Moonflower2.png Sunshine Leek2.png
高个子 Tall Cactus2C.png Tall-nut2.png Primal Wall-nut2.png
矮个子 Short Iceberg Lettuce2.png Spikeweed2.png Bamboo Shoot2.png Dusk Lobber2.png Guacodile2C.png Lily Pad2C.png Celery Stalker2.png Starfruit2C.png Potato Mine2.png Primal Potato Mine2.png
Flower Pot2.png Chili Bean2.png Peach2.png Blooming Heart2C.png Angel Starfruit2.png Puff-shroom2.png Shrinking Violet2C.png Primal Rafflesia2.png Ghost Pepper2C.png E.M.Peach2.png
Stunion2.png Alarm Explosive Arrowhead2.png Spikerock2.png Coffee Bean2.png Rafflesia2.png Imp Pear2C.png Olive Pit2C.png Headbutter Lettuce2C.png
龅牙小子 Buck-toothed boy Bonk Choy2.png Machine Gun Pomegranate2.png Whirlwind Acorn2.png
伶牙俐齿 Sharp teeth Grave Buster2.png Guacodile2C.png Chomper2C.png
铁齿铜牙 Strong teeth Dino-Roar Grass2.png
武艺高强 Martial arts master Bonk Choy2.png Strong Broccoli2.png Bamboo Bro2.png Agave2.png Kiwifruit2.png Rose Swordfighter2.png Sugarcane Master2.png Byttneria Meteor Hammer2.png
攻守兼备 Offensive and defensive Chestnut Squad2.png Pea-nut2C.png
相扑高手 Sumo Master Sumo Melon2.png
面恶心善 Scary look but kind within Torchwood2C.png Cherry Bomb2.png Jalapeno2C.png
浑身浴火 Bathed in fire Torchwood2C.png Flame Flower Queen2.png Banksia Boxer2.png Fire Peashooter2C.png Pepper-pult2.png
满腹怒火 Full of fire of anger Lava Guava2C.png Fire Gourd2.png Inferno2C.png Jalapeno2C.png Dragonfruit2.png Flame Flower Queen2.png Banksia Boxer2.png Tiger Claw2.png Fire Peashooter2C.png Snapdragon2.png
Jack O' Lantern2C.png
十万伏特 Thunderbolt Lightning Reed2C.png Cactus2C.png Electrici-tea2C.png Electric Blueberry2C.png Thunder Snapdragon2.png Citron2.png Anthurium2.png Electric Currant2C.png Cattail2.png
双胞兄弟 Twin brothers Cherry Bomb2.png Anthurium2.png
兄弟成群 Brothers galore Pea Pod2.png Chestnut Squad2.png Horsebean2.png Grapeshot2C.png Bowling Bulb2.png
呆毛 Ahoge Spring Bean2.png Chili Bean2.png
热血青年 Hot-blooded Youth Sumo Melon2.png
老当益壮 Old and strong Cryo-shroom2.png Pyro-shroom2.png
外星人 Alien Saucer2.png
狂野生长 Wild Growth Primal Peashooter2.png Primal Sunflower2.png Primal Potato Mine2.png Primal Wall-nut2.png
充满爱心 Filled with love Blooming Heart2C.png
冰封万里 Far frozen Icy Currant2.png
神秘法师 Mystic Sorcerer Witch Hazel2C.png Cryo-shroom2.png Pyro-shroom2.png Pumpkin Witch2.png Thorn Wizard2.png
魔法 Magic Hocus Crocus2C.png
 (Archived content)
Tough guy Jackfruit2.png
Plants which do not have any given plant features Bloomerang2.png Wasabi Whip2C.png



  • Certain plants have unusual categorizations in the plant features. Including:
  • All plants but Moonflower in "infinite sun" categorization are also in the "yellow plant" categorization.
  • Some families have multiple names.
    • "Shadow family" has three Chinese names, being "暗影家族", "暗影一族", and "暗影系植物" ("shadow plant"), with the second variant used by Moonflower and Nightshade, and the third variant used by Dragon Bruit and Gloom Vine.
    • "Bathed in fire" has two Chinese names, being "浑身浴火" and "浑身欲火" ("extremely libidinous"), with the latter variant used by Flame Flower Queen and Banksia Boxer.
  • "Thunderbolt" is a reference to the move with the same name from the Pokémon series.