Costume Voucher

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This article is about content available solely in the People's Republic of China.

Costume Vouchers are items in the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2. They can be used to directly purchase the primary costume for a plant without having to obtain the required Costume Puzzle Pieces. The amount of Costume Vouchers needed to unlock a costume for a plant depends on the plant's quality, needing 60 for White quality, 120 for Green quality, 180 for Blue quality, 250 for Purple quality and 400 for Orange quality.

Certain plants require double the usual amount of Costume Vouchers for their costumes, those being:

Imitater2C.png Chef Cypripedium2.png Eggplant Ninja2.png Banana Dancer2.png Snap Pea2C.png Imp Pear2C.png Hammer Flower2.png Inferno2C.png Tigerstool2.png Twin Year of the Rabbits2.png Parkour Mandrake2.png Dracaena2.png Bamboo Spartan2C.png Sunshine Leek2.png Nightcap2C.png

Other plants are outright blacklisted from having their costume be purchasable:

Peashooter2C.png Sunflower2C.png Wall-nut2C.png Cabbage-pult2C.png Iceberg Lettuce2.png Grave Buster2.png Bonk Choy2.png Cherry Bomb2C.png Torchwood2C.png Spikeweed2.png Spring Bean2.png Split Pea2.png Chili Bean2.png Peach2.png Infi-nut2.png Tile Turnip2.png Hypno-shroom2C.png Fume-shroom2.png Lily Pad2.png Homing Thistle2C.png Fire Peashooter2C.png Pepper-pult2.png Loquat2.png Asparagus2.png Anthurium2.png A.K.E.E.2.png Lava Guava2C.png Red Stinger2.png Spore-shroom2.png Garlic2.png Primal Peashooter2.png Primal Wall-nut2.png Primal Sunflower2.png Primal Potato Mine2.png Shadow-shroom2.png Caulipower2C.png Moonflower2.png Lotus Shooter2.png Wind-Blowing Vanilla2.png Mulberry Blaster2.png Aloe2C.png Bearberry Mortar2.png Wax Gourd Guard2.png Dripping Diphylleia2.png Stephania2.png Dendrobium Windbreak2.png Rose Swordfighter2.png Apple Mortar2C.png Water Chestnut Brothers2.png Olive Pit2C.png Mangosteen2.png Draftodil2C.png Laser Crown Flower2.png Orchid Mage2.png Burdock Batter2.png Capaci-cone2.png Gorgon Pitcher2.png Power Vine2C.png Abyss Anemone2.png Abyss Devil's Claw2.png Pea Vine2C.png Shine Vine2C.png Pyre Vine2C.png Gluttonous Snapdragon2.png Electric Peel2C.png Thorn Wizard2.png Sawblade Sundew2.png Cactus Mistletoe2.png Dragon Bruit2C.png Gloom Vine2C.png Electric Tailgrape2.png Gramophone Datura2.png Crazy Flamevine2.png Lunisolar Honeysuckle2.png Rhubarbarian2C.png Aqua Vine2C.png Frost Rambutan2.png Electric Heartbreak2.png Iceweed2C.png Bubble Cholla2.png File:Pocket Paph2.png File:Nüwa Ophiuros2.png Potato Mine2.png Flower Pot2.png
