- For the version in Plants vs. Zombies Online, see Costumes (PvZO). For costumes found in the code, but have yet to appear in the game, see Plants vs. Zombies 2/Concepts/Costumes.
Costumes are cosmetics that the player can earn in Plants vs. Zombies 2. Every plant has a costume, except for Imitater, Marigold, all Power Mints, Dazey Chain, all vine plants, Ultomato, Tumbleweed, Murkadamia Nut, Levitater and all plants starting from and including Tomb Tangler. Every plant has at least one costume in the Chinese version however.
A costume changer can be used to set whether the plant would wear its costume or not. It can also change the costumes of the plants if more than one costume has just obtained. Peashooter, Sunflower, and Wall-nut have limited-time costumes that can be wore without changing it. However, it is now obtainable since 8.7.1. Depending on the costume, costumes can be obtained in piñatas, Señor Piñata, Mystery Gift Boxes, or purchasing them with gems or coins in the store.
In the Chinese version, costumes provide an actual effect in-game other than cosmetics, granting an unique change to the plant's Plant Food effect, with plants without one simply gaining a general improvement to their abilities. Costumes are also obtained differently, requiring Costume Puzzle Pieces to unlock. A costume can cost between 12 to 30 Puzzle Pieces to unlock, with 30 being the most common requirement. Costume Puzzle Pieces can be obtained from a variety of places, such as the Daily Challenge, Gene Modification and Memory Lane. The primary costume of most plants can also be directly purchased with Costume Vouchers.
Plants with multiple costumes have their secondary costumes not only grant the primary costume's improved Plant Food effect, but also give an additonal buff on top, such as increased attack speed, lower cost or faster recharge time.
Player's House
Sunflower (white lined sunglasses)
Sunflower (sunglasses)
Sunflower (top hat)
Peashooter (lucky hat)
Peashooter (top hat)
Peashooter (baseball cap)
Wall-nut (blue bow tie)
Wall-nut (green bow tie)
Wall-nut (mini tuxedo)
Potato Mine (blue bandana mask)
Potato Mine (googly eye glasses)
Potato Mine (small top hat and monocle)
Cabbage-pult (sweatband)
Cabbage-pult (tiara)
Cabbage-pult (top hat and bow tie)
Ancient Egypt
Bloomerang (Jamaican beanie)
Bloomerang (elf hat)
Bloomerang (top hat with white ribbon)
Iceberg Lettuce (earmuffs)
Iceberg Lettuce (red checkerboard earmuffs)
Iceberg Lettuce (Peashooter earmuffs)
Iceberg Lettuce (top hat and monocle)
Grave Buster (fez)
Grave Buster (sombrero)
Grave Buster (top hat with white ribbon)
Twin Sunflower (blue sunglasses)
Twin Sunflower (white lined sunglasses)
Twin Sunflower (red sunglasses)
Twin Sunflower (top hats with pink stripes)
Bonk Choy (heavyweight champion belt 1)
Bonk Choy (heavyweight champion belt 2)
Bonk Choy (black belt)
Bonk Choy (mini tuxedo)
Repeater (viking helmet)
Repeater (coonskin cap)
Repeater (top hat)
Chinese version
Sunflower (red sunglasses)
Sunflower (pirate hat)
Peashooter (crown)
Wall-nut (red bow tie)
Pirate Seas
Kernel-pult (red headband)
Kernel-pult (hachimaki)
Kernel-pult (small stovepipe hat and classy suit)
Snapdragon (fireman's hat)
Snapdragon (viking helmet)
Snapdragon (stovepipe hat)
Spikeweed (Groucho Marx glasses)
Spikeweed (anaglyph 3D glasses)
Spikeweed (monocle)
Coconut Cannon (hard hat)
Coconut Cannon (top hat)
Coconut Cannon (pith helmet)
Cherry Bomb (fedoras and sunglasses)
Cherry Bomb (pink fedoras with cyan ribbons)
Cherry Bomb (top hats and monocles)
Spring Bean (Hawaiian hula outfit and grass skirt)
Spring Bean (pink tutu with attached bodice)
Spring Bean (top hat with pink ribbon)
Spikerock (yellow shades)
Spikerock (monocle)
Threepeater (Crazy Dave's pot hats)
Threepeater (yellow and purple striped birthday hats)
Threepeater (top hats)
Wild West
Split Pea (angel halo and devil horns)
Split Pea (prisoner cap and police cap)
Split Pea (cyan and red top hats, a la Dumb and Dumber)
Chili Bean (baby's diaper)
Chili Bean (yellow bib)
Chili Bean (mini tuxedo)
Lightning Reed (lamp shade)
Lightning Reed (bunny ears)
Lightning Reed (stovepipe hat)
Tall-nut (black moustache)
Tall-nut (biker moustache)
Tall-nut (mini tuxedo)
Tall-nut (beard and glasses)
Pea Pod (fedoras)
Melon-pult (sailor cap)
Melon-pult (stovepipe hat)
Melon-pult (red cap)
Winter Melon (blue beanie)
Winter Melon (stovepipe hat)
Winter Melon (green trapper hat)
Chinese version
Frostbite Caves
Hot Potato (sour cream, melted cheese, and chives)
Pepper-pult (red headband)
Chard Guard (purple tuxedo)
Chard Guard (spiked collar)
Stunion (straw hat)
Stunion (headset)
Rotobaga (binoculars)
Rotobaga (tiara)
Chinese version
Fire Peashooter (campfire wood)
Rafflesia (blue mask)
Whirlwind Acorn (duck whistle)
Lost City
Red Stinger (tyrolean hat)
Red Stinger (boonie hat)
A.K.E.E. (combat helmet)
A.K.E.E. (purple headband)
Endurian (red sumo mawashi belt)
Endurian (American football uniform)
Stallia (nightcap)
Stallia (lion ears and nose)
Gold Leaf (whipped cream, hot fudge, and cherry)
Gold Leaf (blonde wig with blue bow)
Gold Leaf (golden anime-style hair)
Chinese version
Jackfruit (gold crown)
Far Future
Laser Bean (red cape)
Laser Bean (gold chain)
Laser Bean (stovepipe hat and mini lapel)
Blover (yellow shades)
Blover (magenta glasses)
Blover (top hat with pink ribbon)
Citron (juice box with a straw)
Citron (blender)
Citron (small multicolored propeller beanie)
E.M.Peach (blue high-tech helmet)
E.M.Peach (scar and bolts of Frankenstein's monster)
E.M.Peach (bow tie)
Infi-nut (ghost trap device, a la Ghostbusters)
Infi-nut (toaster)
Infi-nut (upside-down magician's top hat)
Magnifying Grass (magenta turban)
Magnifying Grass (blue bow with red knot)
Magnifying Grass (top hat with pink ribbon)
Tile Turnip (ushanka cap)
Tile Turnip (nerdy glasses and brown moustache)
Dark Ages
Sun-shroom (hockey goaltender mask)
Puff-shroom (bull horns)
Fume-shroom (thick glasses)
Sun Bean (Statue of Liberty crown)
Magnet-shroom (purple cape)
Chinese version
Oak Archer (moustache)
Coffee Bean (yellow future antenna)
Plantern (wizard's hat)
Neon Mixtape Tour
Phat Beet (black bucket hat and red shades)
Phat Beet (orange hard hat with headset)
Celery Stalker (blue and red boxing headgear)
Celery Stalker (gladiator helmets)
Thyme Warp (golden top hat)
Thyme Warp (purple cap with a star)
Garlic (green and white baseball cap)
Garlic (latex glove hat)
Spore-shroom (paper bag with drawn-on face)
Spore-shroom (blue folded paper hat)
Intensive Carrot (doctor's head mirror)
Intensive Carrot (large square glasses)
Chinese version
Morning Glory (purple star glasses)
Cactus (blue hat with electric bolt feature)
Cactus (vest and shirt with belt, watch and eyepatch)
Jurassic Marsh
Primal Peashooter (woolen lumberjack’s cap)
Primal Peashooter (shower cap)
Primal Wall-nut (denim overalls)
Primal Wall-nut (swimming goggles and swim briefs)
Perfume-shroom (heart-tipped arrow headband)
Perfume-shroom (backwards snapback)
Primal Sunflower (dinosaur beanie)
Primal Sunflower (antler headband)
Primal Potato Mine (reading glasses)
Primal Potato Mine (barricade tape)
Chinese version
Primal Rafflesia (royal crown)
Dino-Roar Grass (antennae headband)
Timid Thorns (black eye mask)
Sugarcane Master (yellow tracksuit)
Big Wave Beach
Lily Pad (pink lily flower)
Tangle Kelp (bottom part of a headscarf, resembling a mouth and tongue)
Bowling Bulb (different-sized bowler hats)
Guacodile (bowl of salsa with tortilla chip)
Banana Launcher (blue and white striped beach towel)
Chinese version
Acidic Lemon (white duck swim ring)
Lotus Pod (yellow feather luau boa)
Modern Day
Moonflower (scepter)
Nightshade (visor sunglasses)
Shadow-shroom (cat flap hat)
Dusk Lobber (magenta punk hair)
Dusk Lobber (plaid newsboy cap)
Grimrose (East Asian conical hat)
Grimrose (Red espionage hat)
Kongfu World (China only)
Resistant Radish (Asian conical hat)
Fire Gourd (small shoulder armor with leaf skirt)
Peach (nurse's cap)
Bamboo Shoot (purple neckerchief)
Sky City (China only)
Loquat (visor glasses)
Asparagus (red headband)
Saucer (UFO cockpit dome)
Horsebean (pilot hats)
Anthurium (binoculars)
Pineapple (gas mask)
Groundcherry (baby pacifier)
Steam Age (China only)
Flat-shroom (daisy flower)
Lotus Shooter (gas mask)
Maypop Mechanic (carnival mask)
Wind-Blowing Vanilla (ski goggles)
Lily of Pharmacy (red ribbon)
Lily of Pharmacy (heart-engraved letters)
Mulberry Blaster (purple glasses)
Mulberry Blaster (eyepatch with skull)
Mulberry Blaster (pirate costume)
Renaissance Age (China only)
Wax Gourd Guard (boxing mask)
Bearberry Mortar (monocle)
Bearberry Mortar (overalls)
Oily Olive (Native American headdress)
Pomegranate Jeweler (Renaissance headband)
Heian Age (China only)
Dripping Diphylleia (fox tail scarf)
Stephania (pig nose)
Tupistra Stalker (black neckerchief)
Dendrobium Windbreak (blue glasses)
Chef Cypripedium (chef's hat)
Chef Cypripedium (mochi maker headband)
Boophone Geigi (red flower kanzashi)
Fairytale Forest (China only)
Ents (moustache)
Hat Mushroom (monocle)
Princess Spring Grass (black round-framed glasses)
Bamboo Trooper (red headband)
Premium plants
Snow Pea (pink winter hat)
Snow Pea (green and white striped knit hat)
Snow Pea (brown ushanka hat)
Snow Pea (large top hat)
Power Lily (black glasses with a red bow)
Power Lily (silver glasses)
Power Lily (monocle)
Squash (camouflage headband)
Squash (magenta headband)
Squash (small top hat)
Torchwood (blue and red welding goggles)
Torchwood (pink star glasses)
Torchwood (bow tie and monocle)
Jalapeno (park ranger hat)
Starfruit (blonde afro and moustache)
Starfruit (antennae headband)
Hypno-shroom (flower glasses and floral pattern)
Pea-nut (inner tube)
Chomper (red visor headband)
Ghost Pepper (purple bow)
Homing Thistle (rubber duck)
Sweet Potato (big red bow-tie)
Sap-fling (red Christmas tree bulb ornament)
Hurrikale (fox tail scarf)
Fire Peashooter (frankfurter on a skewer)
Dandelion (brown beard)
Dandelion (elf ears)
Lava Guava (red headband)
Lava Guava (flower lei)
Toadstool (frizzy red hair)
Toadstool (purple bonnet)
Strawburst (multicolored mohawk)
Strawburst (fedora)
Cactus (sweatband and sweatshirt)
Cactus (denim vest)
Electric Blueberry (light bulb)
Electric Blueberry (power socket)
Jack O' Lantern (vampire's popped collar)
Jack O' Lantern (fire extinguisher)
Grapeshot (umbrella)
Grapeshot (multiple colored balloons)
Cold Snapdragon (ice-cream cone)
Cold Snapdragon (ice block tied onto head)
Shrinking Violet (red slipper shoes with bows)
Shrinking Violet (yellow sneakers)
Blooming Heart (blue flower-patterned headband with flower)
Blooming Heart (purple headband with heart-centered bow)
Escape Root (miner's flashlight helmet)
Escape Root (tall sheriff's hat)
Gold Bloom (dark square sunglasses)
Gold Bloom (round yellow sunglasses)
Electric Currant (alligator clips)
Electric Currant (blue bulb)
Wasabi Whip (blue headband)
Explode-O-Nut (racing car valves and flame stickers)
Kiwibeast (pigtails)
Kiwibeast (crown)
Aloe (L.E.A.F. flag)
Aloe (flower flag)
Bombegranate (L.E.A.F. headphones)
Bombegranate (pigtails)
Apple Mortar (camoflauge pants)
Witch Hazel (sleeping hat)
Witch Hazel (witch's hat)
Parsnip (cat's ears)
Parsnip (crab hat)
Missile Toe (red bow)
Missile Toe (purple scarf)
Hot Date (box of chocolates)
Caulipower (graduation cap)
Solar Tomato (blue snapback cap)
Electric Peashooter (neon arrow sign)
Holly Barrier (blue bow)
Shadow Peashooter (large sun hat)
Goo Peashooter (hazmat helmet)
Sling Pea (wheels and a yellow lightning bolt decal)
Snap Pea (blue baby bonnet)
Zoybean Pod (pair of skis)
Electrici-tea (ten-gallon cowboy hat)
Pokra (purple bow)
Imp Pear (moustache)
Ice Bloom (brown sunglasses)
Dartichoke (purple do-rag)
Gumnut (clown makeup and rainbow afro wig)
Olive Pit (neon arrow)
Puffball (sun hat)
Turkey-pult (scope module)
Headbutter Lettuce (dyed purple leaf)
Boingsetta (red ribbon)
Stickybomb Rice (cat eye glasses)
Hocus Crocus (magician's hat)
Draftodil (bunny slippers)
Boom Balloon Flower (party hat)
Inferno (gas mask)
Solar Sage (genie carpet)
Noctarine (magenta sleeping mask)
Heath Seeker (sombrero)
Iceweed (orange ski goggles)
Teleportato Mine (googly-eyed Groucho Marx glasses)
Tiger Grass (flowers)
Blockoli (black rimmed sunglasses)
Buttercup (stack of pancakes with maple syrup and butter on top)
Bramble Bush (selfie stick)
Rhubarbarian (grass skirt)
Mega Gatling Pea (red goggles)
Monthly special (China only)
Cryo-shroom (spider)
Cryo-shroom (book)
Pyro-shroom (pumpkin hat)
Carrotillery (fire design on launcher)
Dandelion (ram horns)
Strong Broccoli (red cats-eye glasses)
Machine Gun Pomegranate (Santa hat)
Landlord Bamboo (red Chinese suit)
Chestnut Squad (doll wig)
Bamboo Bro (Monkey King crown)
Rose Swordfighter (purple bandit mask)
Magic-shroom (red bow tie)
Mischief Radish (SPECTRA helmet)
Pumpkin Witch (black bat)
Sunflower Singer (blonde wig tied into a bow)
Sunflower Singer (gold medal)
Agave (war bonnet)
Snow Cotton (Santa hat)
Kiwifruit (Sun Wukong's crown)
Kiwifruit (balloon hat)
Kiwifruit (scarf)
Kiwifruit (Sun Wukong costume)
Pretty Plum (bunny ears)
Dragonfruit (blue square glasses)
Angel Starfruit (angel wings with halo ring)
Gatling Pea (walkie-talkie)
Gatling Pea (futuristic cat suit and gold barrels)
Banksia Boxer (pair of boxing gloves)
Flame Flower Queen (crown)
Cattail (magenta shades)
Cob Cannon (red colonel hat)
Apple Mortar (lunar vest and hat)
Apple Mortar (luxurious outfit and hat, sunglasses and gold mortars)
Missile Toe (braid)
Sumo Melon (blue bow)
Icy Currant (baby's pacifier)
Tulip Trumpeter (marching cap)
Eggplant Ninja (ninja belt)
Eggplant Ninja (bandage)
Eggplant Ninja (anime-style outfit and glasses)
Banana Dancer (Hawaiian lei)
Narcissus Shooter (tiara)
Dual Pistol Pinecone (white cowboy hat)
Alarm Explosive Arrowhead (red headband with yellow lightning bolt symbol)
Shadow Peashooter (yellow hat)
Snap Pea (bunny ears)
Crystal Orchid (diamond necklace)
Sling Pea (price tag)
Thunder Snapdragon (electric sign)
Egret Flower Plane (pilot's hat)
Elaeocarpus (blue visor)
Water Chestnut Brothers (ice cream cones)
Water Chestnut Brothers (fluorescent headband)
Dollarweed Drummer (white glasses with pink lenses)
Ultomato (red visor)
Shadow Vanilla (unicorn horn)
Bromel Blade (blue eye mask)
Olive Pit (feather headband)
Earthstar Nuclear Silo (brown glasses)
Earthstar Nuclear Silo (construction sign)
Dazey Chain (umbrella)
Dazey Chain (swirly glasses)
Celebration Soda Palm (purple eye mask)
Impatiens Shooter (purple glasses)
Claw Gloriosa (eye patch)
Turkey-pult (pacifier)
Hammer Flower (safety glasses)
Fishhook Grass (yellow karate belt)
Mangosteen (futuristic monocle)
Mangosteen (hairclip)
Mangosteen (gentleman outfit)
Inferno (carnival mask)
Tigerstool (lunar vest)
Tigerstool (red bib)
Gardener Grass (pacifier)
Draftodil (red nose)
Buttercup (birthday cake with butter)
Byttneria Meteor Hammer (helmet)
Laser Crown Flower (yellow glasses)
Laser Crown Flower (party horn)
Laser Crown Flower (royal vest, robe and crown)
Orchid Mage (book)
Orchid Mage (tiara)
Orchid Mage (robe, necklace and hat)
Twin Year of the Rabbits (red scarf)
Twin Year of the Rabbits (sunflower on blue strap)
Pea Pharmacist (flower lei)
Pike Hoya (eye patch)
Vamporcini (monocle)
Burdock Batter (baseball shirt and hat)
Burdock Batter (football helmet and twig)
Burdock Batter (brimless caps, glasses and outfit)
Pumpkin (candle)
Capaci-cone (halo and wings)
Capaci-cone (projector platform)
Cranesbill Fencer (hat)
Meteor Flower (star sunglasses)
Gorgon Pitcher (head jewelry)
Gorgon Pitcher (earrings)
Gorgon Pitcher (pink glasses)
Power Vine (shutter glasses)
Abyss Anemone (devil horns and tail)
Abyss Anemone (purple bow)
Parkour Mandrake (orange sunglasses)
Parkour Mandrake (pink boxing headgear)
Parkour Mandrake (yellow cycling helmet, shoes, goggles and outfit)
Abyss Devil's Claw (crown)
Abyss Devil's Claw (pink ear)
Hoya Heart (swirly glasses)
Pea Vine (wheels)
MayBee (bee antennas)
Oilseed-pult (pink glasses)
Bamboo Spartan (red cape)
Bamboo Spartan (Chinese New Year outfit)
Dracaena (gourd and strap)
Dracaena (scarf)
Shine Vine (round sunglasses)
Sunshine Leek (visor and orange sunglasses)
Nightcap (purple cape)
Pyre Vine (green trapper hat)
Gluttonous Snapdragon (bib)
Gluttonous Snapdragon (cardboard box with angry face)
Bun Chi (pink spiked collar)
Bun Chi (penguin)
Heliconia Gunner (yellow sunglasses)
Heliconia Gunner (eyepatch)
Electric Peel (goggles)
Electric Peel (dragon costume with dragon puppets)
Thorn Wizard (book)
Thorn Wizard (flower)
Gloom Vine (gas mask)
Dragon Bruit (blue bowties)
Dragon Bruit (white beard)
Electric Tailgrape (racing goggles)
Sawblade Sundew (headband)
Sawblade Sundew (visor)
Cactus Mistletoe (eyepatch)
Cactus Mistletoe (purple-tinted winged glasses)
Gramophone Datura (blue bow)
Gramophone Datura (music sheet)
Gramophone Datura (3D glasses)
Crazy Flamevine (purple striped tie)
Crazy Flamevine (firecracker)
Lunisolar Honeysuckle (horns)
Lunisolar Honeysuckle (floatie, scarf and santa earmuffs)
Rhubarbarian (blue glasses)
Aqua Vine (purple glasses)
Frost Rambutan (Luftwaffe pilot helmet)
Electric Heartbreak (vault laser goggles)
Electric Heartbreak (heart glasses)
Bubble Cholla (heart bow)
Pocket Paph (Santa hat)
Nüwa Ophiuros (snake headband)
Other (China only)
Flower Pot (band aid)
Rotten Red (cowboy hat)
Lawn of Doom
Sunflower (purple witch hat)
Peashooter (Frankenstein) (removed, replaced by Cowboy Hat)
Peashooter (Cowboy Hat)
Wall-nut (mummy wrap and eyeliner)
Bonk Choy (mummy wrap)
Repeater (a vampire's hair, shirt collar, and cloak)
Kernel-pult (clown hair, nose, and makeup)
Chinese version
Pumpkin Witch (cobweb)
Sunflower (red gift bow)
Peashooter (earmuffs)
Wall-nut (red and gray-striped scarf)
Chinese version
Peashooter (antlers)
Wall-nut (Santa beard)
Acidic Lemon (antlers, mistletoe and red nose)
Cob Cannon (Santa hat)
Eggplant Ninja (wreath)
Crystal Orchid (snow vest)
Boom Balloon Flower (antlers)
Turkey-pult (bells)
Laser Crown Flower (Santa beard)
Hoya Heart (Santa hat)
Plants vs. Zombies Heroes
Sunflower (Solar Flare's goggles)
Peashooter (Green Shadow's mask, hood and leaf bang)
Wall-nut (Wall-Knight's belt)
Bonk Choy (Grass Knuckles' belt)
Torchwood (Captain Combustible's Helmet)
Fume-shroom (Nightcap's scarf)
Twin Sunflower (sun hats tied to heads)
Bonk Choy (flower crown)
Kernel-pult (blue gift bow with flower)
Snapdragon (bunny ears)
Cabbage-pult (red and yellow-striped party hat)
Bonk Choy (blue party hat bowtie with white polka dots)
Kernel-pult (blue and magenta party horn)
Snapdragon (cupcake)
Lightning Reed (purple party hat with yellow and blue polka dots)
Puff-shroom (indigo cowboy hat)
Chinese version
Power Lily (flower jewelry)
Laser Bean (party hat)
Infi-nut (manhole cover)
Puff-shroom (party hat)
Fire Peashooter (cowboy hat)
Moonflower (party popper)
Gold Bloom (visor)
Mulberry Blaster (Groucho Marx glasses)
Aloe (green bow with yellow spots)
Bearberry Mortar (animal glasses)
Chomper (googly glasses)
Sling Pea (swim ring)
Elaeocarpus (lei)
Summer Nights
Repeater (floppy sun hat)
Lightning Reed (bug zapper)
Tall-nut (boater and one-piece swimsuit)
Winter Melon (tie clip with propeller)
Pepper-pult (beverage holder hat)
Time Twister
Cabbage-pult (triceratops horns)
Bonk Choy (caveman suit and tie)
Melon-pult (future antenna)
Sunflower (pink heart glasses)
Peashooter (pink antennae headband with hearts)
Wall-nut (pink tie and collar)
Pepper-pult (red heart headband)
Chinese New Year (China only)
Potato Mine (firecracker)
Peashooter (snow hat)
Cabbage-pult (Chinese New Year hat)
Bonk Choy (Chinese New Year hat)
Bonk Choy (Chinese New Year jacket)
Fume-shroom (lion hat)
Chard Guard (Chinese New Year outfit)
Phat Beet (scarf)
Primal Peashooter (lion hat)
Chomper (tiger hat)
Ghost Pepper (paper lantern)
Sunflower Singer (scarf)
Agave (Chinese silk cap)
Cold Snapdragon (gold ingot)
Apple Mortar (robe)
Dual Pistol Pinecone (Caishen hat)
Thunder Snapdragon (headphones)
Thunder Snapdragon (horns)
Imp Pear (scroll)
Water Chestnut Brothers (orange brimless kid caps)
Dollarweed Drummer (scarf)
Tupistra Stalker (scarf)
Draftodil (paper lantern)
Cranesbill Fencer (Menshen costume)
Nüwa Ophiuros (Chinese New Year outfit)
Children's Day (China only)
Sunflower (lei)
Tall-nut (snorkel)
Threepeater (snowman headbands)
Melon-pult (box hat)
Laser Bean (blue propeller)
Magnifying Grass (silver crown)
Homing Thistle (fishbowl)
Horsebean (pinwheel)
Jackfruit (yellow swirly glasses)
Wind-Blowing Vanilla (party hat)
Chef Cypripedium (cap and bells)
Chestnut Squad (bunny ears headband)
Mischief Radish (blue visor)
Sunflower Singer (earrings with bow and ribbons)
Angel Starfruit (black round-framed glasses)
Cattail (happy box hat)
Explode-O-Nut (novelty glasses)
Electric Peashooter (Electric Peashooter earmuffs)
Shadow Peashooter (witch hat)
Elaeocarpus (crown)
Pokra (pink hair)
Parkour Party (China only)
Dino-Roar Grass (headphones)
Sugarcane Master (Jake costume)
Dripping Diphylleia (Jake's shoes)
Gatling Pea (Jake's hat)
Hemudu Site Museum (China only)
Primal Peashooter (pottery pot)
Primal Sunflower (pig pattern square bowl)
Naraka: Bladepoint (China only)
Snow Pea (Justina Gu costume)
Peach (Tsuchimikado Kurum costume)
Elaeocarpus (Viper Ning costume)
Tigerstool (Akos Hu costume)
Speed Racing (China only)
Peashooter (backwards cap)
Squash (flag)
Horsebean (NFS plaque)
Mangosteen (sign)
Hoya Heart (neon sign)
Electric Tailgrape (braids, hat, and racing outfit)
Game For Good (China only)
Holly Barrier (emblem)
Super Costumes (China only)
Dark Twin Sunflower (黑暗双胞葵)
Interstellar Tile (星际瓷砖)
Steel Chomper (钢铁大嘴花)
Toy Gluttonous Dragon (玩具贪吃龙)
Update history
- 1.5: Costumes were added.
- 2.1: Comes with costumes for Far Future plants.
- 2.3: Hypno-shroom's costume was released.
- 2.4: Dark Ages - Part 1 plants' costumes were released; Pea-nut's costume would be released later on.
- 2.5: Magnet-shroom's costume was released.
- 2.7: Chomper's costume was released.
- 2.9: The costume changer was released alongside three new obtainable Halloween costumes for Bonk Choy, Repeater, and Kernel-pult.
- 3.1: Six of the previously unused costumes became obtainable through Piñata Parties in the duration of the Feastivus timeline. All of the Big Wave Beach costumes (excluding Banana Launcher), Homing Thistle, and Sweet Potato's costumes were also added.
- 3.3: On March 11, 2015, the store was redone, with a new tab to purchase certain costumes with gems. These costumes (for Potato Mine, Lightning Reed, Snapdragon, Split Pea, Kernel-pult, Cabbage-pult, and Cherry Bomb) cannot be obtained in any other way than buying them in the store.
- 3.4: Costumes for all plants missing them since Banana Launcher, excluding Ghost Pepper, Sweet Potato, Pepper-pult and Dandelion, were released, along with spring-themed costumes for Bonk Choy, Twin Sunflower, Snapdragon, and Kernel-pult made specifically for the Springening event.
- April 15, 2015: a new costume for Bonk Choy and some existing costumes of plants were released to the store.
- 3.5: Special costumes for Cabbage-pult, Bonk Choy, Kernel-pult, Snapdragon, and Lightning Reed were added to commemorate Plants vs. Zombies' 6th birthday.
- 3.6: Costumes for Lava Guava, Red Stinger, A.K.E.E., and Endurian were released.
- June 23, 2015: Costumes for Toadstool were added.
- 3.8: Summer-themed costumes for Repeater, Lightning Reed, Tall-nut, Winter Melon, and Pepper-pult were released for the Summer Nights event. Costumes for Stallia, Gold Leaf, and Strawburst were also added.
- August 18, 2015: Costumes for Cactus were added.
- 3.9: Costumes for Phat Beet, Celery Stalker, and Thyme Warp have been added.
- September 15, 2015: Costumes for Electric Blueberry have been added.
- 4.0: Comes with costumes for Garlic, Spore-shroom, and Intensive Carrot.
- 4.1: Comes with costumes for Ghost Pepper, Jack O' Lantern and Dandelion, alongside the Halloween costumes for Repeater, Kernel-pult, and Bonk Choy.
- November 11, 2015: Costumes for Grapeshot are added.
- 4.2: Comes with costumes for Primal Peashooter, Primal Wall-nut, Perfume-shroom, and Dandelion.
- December 9, 2015: Costumes for Cold Snapdragon are added.
- 4.3.1: Comes with costumes for Primal Sunflower and Primal Potato Mine.
- January 5, 2016: Costumes for Shrinking Violet are added.
- 4.4.1: Comes with costumes for Moonflower, Nightshade, and Shadow-shroom.
- February 3, 2016: Costumes for Blooming Heart are added.
- 4.5.1: Comes with costumes for Dusk Lobber, Grimrose and Escape Root.
- 4.6.1: Comes with costumes for Gold Bloom.
- 4.7.1: Comes with costumes for Electric Currant.
- 4.8.1: Comes with Time Twister costumes for Cabbage-pult, Bonk Choy and Melon-pult. It also contains Wasabi Whip's costume.
- 5.0.1: Comes with Explode-O-Nut's costume, alongside Snapdragon's unused stovepipe hat costume, the Summer Nights costumes for Repeater, Lightning Reed, Tall-nut, Winter Melon, and Pepper-pult.
- 5.1.1: Comes with costumes for Aloe and Kiwibeast.
- 5.2.1: Comes with costumes for Bombegranate.
- 5.3.1: Comes with Apple Mortar's costume.
- 5.4.1: Comes with Witch Hazel's costumes.
- November 2, 2016: As a part of Plants vs. Zombies Heroes crossover event, temporary costumes for Sunflower, Peashooter, Wall-nut and permanent costumes for Bonk Choy, Torchwood and Fume-shroom were added.
- 5.5.1: Comes with Parsnip's costumes.
- 5.6.1: Comes with Missile Toe's costumes.
- 5.7.1: The costumes tab has been removed from the store.
- 5.8.1: Comes with Hot Date's costume.
- 5.9.1: Comes with Caulipower's costume.
- 6.1.1: Comes with Electric Peashooter's costume.
- June 7, 2017: Costumes can no longer be obtained.
- 6.3.1: Comes with Solar Tomato's costume.
- 6.5.1: The costumes tab has been re-added to the store.
- 6.6.1: Comes with Holly Barrier's costume.
- 6.9.1: Shadow Peashooter's costume is released.
- 7.0.1: Costumes can be obtained again. Goo Peashooter and Sling Pea's costume was released.
- 7.1.2: Snap Pea's costume is released.
- 7.3.1: Zoybean Pod's costume is released.
- 7.4.1: Electrici-tea's costume is released.
- 7.5.1: Pokra and Imp Pear's costume are released.
- 7.7.1: Ice Bloom's costume is released.
- 7.9.1: Dartichoke's costume is released.
- 8.0.1: Gumnut's costume is released
- 8.1.1: Puff-shroom's second costume is released
- 8.2.1: Olive Pit and Puffball's costumes are released.
- 8.4.1: Turkey-pult's costume is released.
- 8.5.1: Headbutter Lettuce and Boingsetta's costumes are released.
- 8.6.1: Hocus Crocus and Stickybomb Rice's costumes are released.
- 8.7.1: Draftodil's costume is released; costumes for Peashooter, Sunflower and Wall-nut can now be obtained permanently.
- February 8, 2021: Pepper-pult's Valenbrainz costume is released.
- 8.8.1: Boom Balloon Flower's costume is released
- 8.9.1: Inferno's costume is released
- 9.0.1: Solar Sage's costume is released
- 9.1.1: Noctarine's costume is released
- 9.2.1: Heath Seeker's costume is released
- 9.3.1: Iceweed's costume is released
- 9.4.1: Teleportato Mine's costume is released
- 9.5.1: Blockoli and Buttercup's costumes are released
- 9.6.1: Bramble Bush's costume is released
- 9.7.1: Rhubarbarian's costume is released
- 9.8.1: Mega Gatling Pea's costume is released
- If the player exits a level with a plant without a costume planted in that level and gets the plant a costume, the original plants do not have costumes but all newly-planted one will.
- In the Chinese version, during the 1.1 update, costumes were the first time award for completing Gargantuar Crisis and Evil Danger Daily Challenges.
- Starting from the 2.9 update, with the exception of Peashooter, Sunflower, and Wall-nut, plants that have costumes will have their portrait in their Almanac entry and the seed selection screen covered with what appears to be glass.
- As of the 4.6 update, all Almanac portraits are covered with this glass substance, regardless if it is a plant or zombie. It was removed in the 5.7 update.
- The costume shop gives the costumes names and descriptions.
- In the international version, Ghost Pepper's costume wasn't obtainable up until 4.1 update.
- Due to a programming error, Sunflower, Peashooter and Wall-nut's limited time costumes for 2016 Lawn of Doom event and Plants vs. Zombies Heroes event didn't appear in the game, leaving them unused.
- The player can sometimes obtain costumes for plants they do not own.
- Dragon Bruit is the only plant that has a costume that affects both it and other plants it spawns (Baby Bruits in their case).
See also
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